
client-side visualization of dtms training compliance data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quickly provide a summary of unit compliance with mandated training. This will summarize the information stored in DTMS.

  1. Visit DTMS
  2. Select "Reporting" > "Report Center" > "Report List"
  3. Select the "Grid Reports" tab and the "Task Completion Roster Report" and the "Soldier Roster Report"

Direct Links to export reports (Requires DTMS Access)

  1. Generate the reports and export the information to Excel

  2. Create a new Excel file that has the following columns:

  • TaskNumber
  • TaskName
  • Frequency (in days)
  • Audience (Soldiers, Civilians, Supervisors, or All)
  1. Load all three files in D3TMS to gain better understanding of the information.

D3TMS will do all processing clientside and display a compliance chart.

Click on cells within the compliance chart to show who needs to conduct training.