Work in progress !
DeLFT (Deep Learning Framework for Text) is a Keras framework for text processing, covering sequence labelling (e.g. named entity tagging) and text classification (e.g. comment classification). This library re-implements standard state-of-the-art Deep Learning architectures.
From the observation that most of the open source implementations using Keras are toy examples, our motivation is to develop a framework that can be efficient, scalable and more usable in a production environment (with all the known limitations of Python of course for this purpose). The benefits of DELFT are:
Re-implement a variety of state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for both sequence labelling and text classification problems, including the usage of the recent ELMo contextualised embeddings, which can all be used within the same environment. For instance, this allows to reproduce under similar conditions the performance of all recent NER systems.
Reduce model size, in particular by removing word embeddings from them. For instance, the model for the toxic comment classifier went down from a size of 230 MB with embeddings to 1.8 MB. In practice the size of all the models of DeLFT is less than 2 MB.
Use dynamic data generator so that the training data do not need to stand completely in memory.
Load and manage efficiently an unlimited volume of pre-trained embedding: instead of loading pre-trained embeddings in memory - which is horribly slow in Python and limits the number of embeddings to be used simultaneously - the pre-trained embeddings are compiled the first time they are accessed and stored efficiently in a LMDB database. This permits to have the pre-trained embeddings immediately "warm" (no load time), to free memory and to use any number of embeddings with a very negligible impact on runtime when using SSD.
The medium term goal is then to provide good performance (accuracy, runtime, compactness) models to a production stack such as Java/Scala and C++.
DeLFT has been tested with python 3.5, Keras 2.1 and Tensorflow 1.7+ as backend. At this stage, we do not guarantee that DeLFT will run with other different versions of these libraries or other Keras backend versions. As always, GPU(s) are required for decent training time: a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti for instance is absolutely OK without ELMo contextual embeddings. Using ELMo was fine with a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
Get the github repo:
git clone
cd delft
It is advised to setup first a virtual environment to avoid falling into one of these gloomy python dependency marshlands:
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
Install the dependencies, if you have a GPU and CUDA (>=8.0) installed use:
pip3 install -r requirements-gpu.txt
otherwise if you can use only your CPU:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You need then to download some pre-trained word embeddings and notify their path into the embedding registry. We suggest for exploiting the provided models:
glove Common Crawl (2.2M vocab., cased, 300 dim. vectors): glove-840B
fasttext Common Crawl (2M vocab., cased, 300 dim. vectors): fasttext-crawl
word2vec GoogleNews (3M vocab., cased, 300 dim. vectors): word2vec
fasttext_wiki_fr (1.1M, NOT cased, 300 dim. vectors) for French:
ELMo trained on 5.5B word corpus (will produce 1024 dim. vectors) for English: options and weights
Then edit the file embedding-registry.json
and modify the value for path
according to the path where you have saved the corresponding embeddings. The embedding files must be unzipped.
"embeddings": [
"name": "glove-840B",
"path": "/PATH/TO/THE/UNZIPPED/EMBEDDINGS/FILE/glove.840B.300d.txt",
"type": "glove",
"format": "vec",
"lang": "en",
"item": "word"
You're ready to use DeLFT.
The first time DeLFT starts and accesses pre-trained embeddings, these embeddings are serialised and stored in a LMDB database, a very efficient embedded database using memory page (already used in the Machine Learning world by Caffe and Torch for managing large training data). The next time these embeddings will be accessed, they will be immediately available.
Our approach solves the bottleneck problem pointed for instance here in a much better way than quantising+compression or pruning. After being compiled and stored at the first access, any volume of embeddings vectors can be used immediately without any loading, with a negligible usage of memory, without any accuracy loss and with a negligible impact on runtime when using SSD. In practice, we can exploit for instance embeddings for dozen languages simultaneously, without any memory and runtime issues - a requirement for any ambitious industrial deployment of a neural NLP system.
For instance, in a traditional approach glove-840B
takes around 2 minutes to load and 4GB in memory. Managed with LMDB, after a first load time of around 4 minutes, glove-840B
can be accessed immediately and takes only a couple MB in memory, for an impact on runtime negligible (around 1% slower) for any further command line calls.
By default, the LMDB databases are stored under the subdirectory data/db
. The size of a database is roughly equivalent to the size of the original uncompressed embeddings file. To modify this path, edit the file embedding-registry.json
and change the value of the attribute embedding-lmdb-path
To get FastText .bin format support please uncomment the package fasttextmirror==0.8.22
in requirements.txt
or requirements-gpu.txt
according to your system's configuration. Please note that the .bin format is not supported on Windows platforms. Installing the FastText .bin format support introduces the following additional dependencies:
While FastText .bin format are supported by DeLFT (including using ngrams for OOV words), this format will be loaded entirely in memory and does not take advantage of our memory-efficient management of embeddings.
I have plenty of memory on my machine, I don't care about load time because I need to grab a coffee, I only process one language at the time, so I am not interested in taking advantage of the LMDB emebedding management !
Ok, ok, then set the embedding-lmdb-path
value to "None"
in the file embedding-registry.json
, the embeddings will be loaded in memory as immutable data, like in the usual Keras scripts.
- BidLSTM-CRF with words and characters input following:
[1] Guillaume Lample, Miguel Ballesteros, Sandeep Subramanian, Kazuya Kawakami, Chris Dyer. "Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition". Proceedings of NAACL 2016.
- BidLSTM-CNN with words, characters and custom casing features input, see:
[2] Jason P. C. Chiu, Eric Nichols. "Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs". 2016.
- BidLSTM-CNN-CRF with words, characters and custom casing features input following:
[3] Xuezhe Ma and Eduard Hovy. "End-to-end Sequence Labelling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF". 2016.
- BidGRU-CRF, similar to:
[4] Matthew E. Peters, Waleed Ammar, Chandra Bhagavatula, Russell Power. "Semi-supervised sequence tagging with bidirectional language models". 2017.
- the current state of the art (92.22% F1 on CoNLL2003 NER dataset, averaged over five runs), BidLSTM-CRF with ELMo contextualised embeddings, see:
[5] Matthew E. Peters, Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee, Luke Zettlemoyer. "Deep contextualized word representations". 2018.
Note that all our annotation data for sequence labelling follows the IOB2 scheme.
We have reimplemented in DeLFT the main neural architectures for NER of the last two years and performed a reproducibility analysis of the these systems with comparable evaluation criterias. Unfortunaltely, in publications, systems are usually compared directly with reported results obtained in different settings, which can bias scores by more than 1.0 points and completely invalidate both comparison and interpretation of results.
All reported scores bellow are f-score for the CoNLL-2003 NER dataset. We report first the f-score averaged over 10 training runs, and second the best f-score over these 10 training runs. All the DeLFT trained models are included in this repository.
Architecture | Implementation | Glove only (avg / best) | Glove + valid. set (avg / best) | ELMo + Glove (avg / best) | ELMo + Glove + valid. set (avg / best) |
BidLSTM-CRF | DeLFT | 90.75 / 91.35 | 91.13 / 91.60 | 92.47 / 92.71 | 92.69 / 93.09 |
(Lample and al., 2016) | - / 90.94 | ||||
BidLSTM-CNN-CRF | DeLFT | 90.73 / 91.07 | 91.01 / 91.26 | 92.30 / 92.57 | 92.67 / 93.04 |
(Ma & Hovy, 2016) | - / 91.21 | ||||
(Peters & al. 2018) | 92.22** / - | ||||
BidLSTM-CNN | DeLFT | 89.23 / 89.47 | 89.35 / 89.87 | 91.66 / 92.00 | 92.01 / 92.16 |
(Chiu & Nichols, 2016) | 90.88*** / - | ||||
BidGRU-CRF | DeLFT | 90.38 / 90.72 | 90.28 / 90.69 | 92.03 / 92.44 | 92.43 / 92.71 |
(Peters & al. 2017) | 91.93* / - |
* reported f-score using Senna word embeddings and not Glove.
** f-score is averaged over 5 training runs.
*** reported f-score with Senna word embeddings (Collobert 50d) averaged over 10 runs, including case features and not including lexical features. DeLFT implementation of the same architecture includes the capitalization features too, but uses the more efficient GloVe 300d embeddings.
Different datasets and languages are supported. They can be specified by the command line parameters. The general usage of the CLI is as follow:
usage: [-h] [--fold-count FOLD_COUNT] [--lang LANG]
[--dataset-type DATASET_TYPE]
[--architecture ARCHITECTURE] [--use-ELMo]
[--data-path DATA_PATH] [--file-in FILE_IN]
[--file-out FILE_OUT]
Neural Named Entity Recognizers
positional arguments:
action one of [train, train_eval, eval, tag]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fold-count FOLD_COUNT
number of folds or re-runs to be used when training
--lang LANG language of the model as ISO 639-1 code
--dataset-type DATASET_TYPE
dataset to be used for training the model
Use the validation set for training together with the
training set
--architecture ARCHITECTURE
type of model architecture to be used, one of
--use-ELMo Use ELMo contextual embeddings
--data-path DATA_PATH
path to the corpus of documents for training (only use
currently with Ontonotes corpus in orginal XML format)
--file-in FILE_IN path to a text file to annotate
--file-out FILE_OUT path for outputting the resulting JSON NER anotations
More explanations and examples are presented in the following sections.
DeLFT comes with various pre-trained models with the CoNLL-2003 NER dataset.
By default, the BidLSTM-CRF architecture is used. With this available model, glove-840B word embeddings, and optimisation of hyperparameters, the current f1 score on CoNLL 2003 testb set is 91.35 (best run over 10 training, using train set for training and testa for validation, 90.75 averaged over these 10 training), as compared to the 90.94 reported in [1]. Best model f1 score becomes 91.60 when using both train and testa (validation set) for training (best run over 10 training), as it is done by (Chiu & Nichols, 2016) or some recent works like (Peters and al., 2017).
Using BidLSTM-CRF model with ELMo embeddings, following [5] and some parameter optimisations and warm-up, make the predictions 30 times slower but improve the f1 score on CoNLL 2003 currently to 92.71 (best model, using train set for training and testa for validation, 92.47 averaged over 10 training), or 93.09 (best model, 92.69 averaged over 10 training) when training with the validation set (as in the paper Peters and al., 2017).
For re-training a model, the CoNLL-2003 NER dataset (eng.train
, eng.testa
, eng.testb
) must be present under data/sequenceLabelling/CoNLL-2003/
in IOB2 tagging sceheme (look here for instance ;) and here. The CONLL 2003 dataset (English) is the default dataset and English is the default language, but you can also indicate it explicitly as parameter with --dataset-type conll2003
and specifying explicitly the language --lang en
For training and evaluating following the traditional approach (training with the train set without validation set, and evaluating on test set), use:
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 train_eval
To use ELMo contextual embeddings, add the parameter --use-ELMo
. This will slow down considerably (30 times) the first epoch of the training, then the contextual embeddings will be cached and the rest of the training will be similar to usual embeddings in term of training time.
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 --use-ELMo train_eval
Some recent works like (Chiu & Nichols, 2016) and (Peters and al., 2017) also train with the validation set, leading obviously to a better accuracy (still they compare their scores with scores previously reported trained differently, which is arguably a bit unfair - this aspect is mentioned in (Ma & Hovy, 2016)). To train with both train and validation sets, use the parameter --train-with-validation-set
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 --train-with-validation-set train_eval
Note that, by default, the BidLSTM-CRF model is used. (Documentation on selecting other models and setting hyperparameters to be included here !)
For evaluating against CoNLL 2003 testb set with the existing model:
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 eval
Evaluation on test set:
f1 (micro): 91.35
precision recall f1-score support
ORG 0.8795 0.9007 0.8899 1661
PER 0.9647 0.9623 0.9635 1617
MISC 0.8261 0.8120 0.8190 702
LOC 0.9260 0.9305 0.9282 1668
avg / total 0.9109 0.9161 0.9135 5648
If the model has been trained also with the validation set (--train-with-validation-set
), similarly to (Chiu & Nichols, 2016) or (Peters and al., 2017), results are significantly better:
Evaluation on test set:
f1 (micro): 91.60
precision recall f1-score support
LOC 0.9219 0.9418 0.9318 1668
MISC 0.8277 0.8077 0.8176 702
PER 0.9594 0.9635 0.9614 1617
ORG 0.9029 0.8904 0.8966 1661
avg / total 0.9158 0.9163 0.9160 5648
Using ELMo with the best model obtained over 10 training (not using the validation set for training, only for early stop):
Evaluation on test set:
f1 (micro): 92.71
precision recall f1-score support
PER 0.9787 0.9672 0.9729 1617
LOC 0.9368 0.9418 0.9393 1668
MISC 0.8237 0.8319 0.8278 702
ORG 0.9072 0.9181 0.9126 1661
all (micro avg.) 0.9257 0.9285 0.9271 5648
Using ELMo and training with the validation set gives a f-score of 93.09 (best model), 92.69 averaged over 10 runs (the best model is provided under data/models/sequenceLabelling/ner-en-conll2003-BidLSTM_CRF/with_validation_set/
For training with all the available data:
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 train
To take into account the strong impact of random seed, you need to train multiple times with the n-folds options. The model will be trained n times with different seed values but with the same sets if the evaluation set is provided. The evaluation will then give the average scores over these n models (against test set) and for the best model which will be saved. For 10 times training for instance, use:
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 --fold-count 10 train_eval
After training a model, for tagging some text, for instance in a file data/test/test.ner.en.txt
(), use the command:
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 --file-in data/test/test.ner.en.txt tag
Note that, currently, the input text file must contain one sentence per line, so the text must be presegmented into sentences. To obtain the JSON annotations in a text file instead than in the standard output, use the parameter --file-out
. Predictions work at around 7400 tokens per second for the BidLSTM_CRF architecture with a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
This produces a JSON output with entities, scores and character offsets like this:
"runtime": 0.34,
"texts": [
"text": "The University of California has found that 40 percent of its students suffer food insecurity. At four state universities in Illinois, that number is 35 percent.",
"entities": [
"text": "University of California",
"endOffset": 32,
"score": 1.0,
"class": "ORG",
"beginOffset": 4
"text": "Illinois",
"endOffset": 134,
"score": 1.0,
"class": "LOC",
"beginOffset": 125
"text": "President Obama is not speaking anymore from the White House.",
"entities": [
"text": "Obama",
"endOffset": 18,
"score": 1.0,
"class": "PER",
"beginOffset": 10
"text": "White House",
"endOffset": 61,
"score": 1.0,
"class": "LOC",
"beginOffset": 49
"software": "DeLFT",
"date": "2018-05-02T12:24:55.529301",
"model": "ner"
If you have trained the model with ELMo, you need to indicate to use ELMo-based model when annotating with the parameter --use-ELMo
(note that the runtime impact is important as compared to traditional embeddings):
python3 --dataset-type conll2003 --use-ELMo --file-in data/test/test.ner.en.txt tag
DeLFT comes with pre-trained models with the Ontonotes 5.0 CoNLL-2012 NER dataset. As dataset-type identifier, use conll2012
. All the options valid for CoNLL-2003 NER dataset are usable for this dataset.
With the default BidLSTM-CRF architecture, FastText embeddings and without any parameter tuning, f1 score of the provided model is 87.01 (best run over 10 trainings, 86.65 averaged over these 10 trainings) when trained with the train set strictly. When trained with validation set and Glove embeddings, f1 score of the provided model is 86.55.
For re-training, the assembled Ontonotes datasets following CoNLL-2012 must be available and converted into IOB2 tagging scheme, see here for more details. To train and evaluate following the traditional approach (training with the train set without validation set, and evaluating on test set), use:
python3 --dataset-type conll2012 train_eval
Evaluation on test set:
f1 (micro): 87.01
precision recall f1-score support
DATE 0.8029 0.8695 0.8349 1602
CARDINAL 0.8130 0.8139 0.8135 935
PERSON 0.9061 0.9371 0.9214 1988
GPE 0.9617 0.9411 0.9513 2240
ORG 0.8799 0.8568 0.8682 1795
MONEY 0.8903 0.8790 0.8846 314
NORP 0.9226 0.9501 0.9361 841
ORDINAL 0.7873 0.8923 0.8365 195
TIME 0.5772 0.6698 0.6201 212
WORK_OF_ART 0.6000 0.5060 0.5490 166
LOC 0.7340 0.7709 0.7520 179
EVENT 0.5000 0.5556 0.5263 63
PRODUCT 0.6528 0.6184 0.6351 76
PERCENT 0.8717 0.8567 0.8642 349
QUANTITY 0.7155 0.7905 0.7511 105
FAC 0.7167 0.6370 0.6745 135
LANGUAGE 0.8462 0.5000 0.6286 22
LAW 0.7308 0.4750 0.5758 40
all (micro avg.) 0.8647 0.8755 0.8701 11257
For ten model training with average, worst and best model:
python3 --dataset-type conll2012 --fold-count 10 train_eval
Note that Le Monde corpus is subject to copyrights and is limited to research usage only. This is the default French model, so it will be used by simply indicating the language as parameter: --lang fr
, but you can also indicate explicitly the dataset with --dataset-type lemonde
Similarly as before, for training and evaluating use:
python3 --lang fr train_eval
In practice, we need to repeat training and evaluation several times to neutralise random seed effects and to average scores, here ten times:
python3 --lang fr --fold-count 10 train_eval
The performance is as follow, with a f-score of 91.83:
** Best ** model scores -
precision recall f1-score support
<person> 0.9421 0.9721 0.9569 251
<artifact> 1.0000 0.5000 0.6667 4
<business> 0.8647 0.9176 0.8903 376
<location> 0.9545 0.9701 0.9623 368
<organisation> 0.9239 0.8089 0.8626 225
<institution> 0.7714 0.9000 0.8308 30
avg / total 0.9139 0.9226 0.9183 1254
For training with all the dataset without evaluation:
python3 --lang fr train
and for annotating some examples:
python3 --lang fr --file-in data/test/ tag
"date": "2018-06-11T21:25:03.321818",
"runtime": 0.511,
"software": "DeLFT",
"model": "ner-fr-lemonde",
"texts": [
"entities": [
"beginOffset": 5,
"endOffset": 13,
"score": 1.0,
"text": "Allemagne",
"class": "<location>"
"beginOffset": 57,
"endOffset": 68,
"score": 1.0,
"text": "Donald Trump",
"class": "<person>"
"text": "Or l’Allemagne pourrait préférer la retenue, de peur que Donald Trump ne surtaxe prochainement les automobiles étrangères."
This above work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
DeLFT supports GROBID training data (originally for CRF) and GROBID feature matrix to be labelled.
Train a model:
python3 name-of-model train
where name-of-model is one of GROBID model (date, affiliation-address, citation, header, name-citation, name-header, ...), for instance:
python3 date train
To segment the training data and eval on 10%:
python3 name-of-model train_eval
For instance for the date model:
python3 date train_eval
f1 (micro): 96.41
precision recall f1-score support
<month> 0.9667 0.9831 0.9748 59
<year> 1.0000 0.9844 0.9921 64
<day> 0.9091 0.9524 0.9302 42
avg / total 0.9641 0.9758 0.9699 165
For applying a model on some examples:
python3 date tag
"runtime": 0.509,
"software": "DeLFT",
"model": "grobid-date",
"date": "2018-05-23T14:18:15.833959",
"texts": [
"entities": [
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 6,
"class": "<month>",
"beginOffset": 0,
"text": "January"
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 11,
"class": "<year>",
"beginOffset": 8,
"text": "2006"
"text": "January 2006"
"entities": [
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 4,
"class": "<month>",
"beginOffset": 0,
"text": "March"
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 13,
"class": "<day>",
"beginOffset": 10,
"text": "27th"
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 19,
"class": "<year>",
"beginOffset": 16,
"text": "2001"
"text": "March the 27th, 2001"
Similarly to the NER models, to use ELMo contextual embeddings, add the parameter --use-ELMo
, e.g.:
python3 citation --use-ELMo train_eval
(To be completed)
A small experimental model for recognising insults and threats in texts, based on the Wikipedia comment from the Kaggle Wikipedia Toxic Comments dataset, English only. This uses a small dataset labelled manually.
For training:
python3 train
By default training uses the whole train set.
Example of a small tagging test:
python3 tag
will produced (socially offensive language warning!) result like this:
"runtime": 0.969,
"texts": [
"entities": [],
"text": "This is a gentle test."
"entities": [
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 20,
"class": "<insult>",
"beginOffset": 9,
"text": "moronic wimp"
"score": 1.0,
"endOffset": 56,
"class": "<threat>",
"beginOffset": 54,
"text": "die"
"text": "you're a moronic wimp who is too lazy to do research! die in hell !!"
"software": "DeLFT",
"date": "2018-05-14T17:22:01.804050",
"model": "insult"
As long your task is a sequence labelling of text, adding a new corpus and create an additional model should be straightfoward. If you want to build a model named toto
based on labelled data in one of the supported format (CoNLL, TEI or GROBID CRF), create the subdirectory data/sequenceLabelling/toto
and copy your training data under it.
(To be completed)
All the following models includes Dropout, Pooling and Dense layers with hyperparameters tuned for reasonable performance across standard text classification tasks. If necessary, they are good basis for further performance tuning.
: two layers Bidirectional GRUgru_simple
: one layer Bidirectional GRUbidLstm
: a Bidirectional LSTM layer followed by an Attention layercnn
: convolutional layers followed by a GRUlstm_cnn
: LSTM followed by convolutional layersmix1
: one layer Bidirectional GRU followed by a Bidirectional LSTMdpcnn
: Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks (but not working as expected - to be reviewed)
Note: by default the first 300 tokens of the text to be classified are used, which is largely enough for any short text classification tasks and works fine with low profile GPU (for instance GeForce GTX 1050 Ti with 4 GB memory). For taking into account a larger portion of the text, modify the config model parameter maxlen
. However, using more than 1000 tokens for instance requires a modern GPU with enough memory (e.g. 10 GB).
The dataset of the Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification challenge can be found here:
This is a multi-label regression problem, where a Wikipedia comment (or any similar short texts) should be associated to 6 possible types of toxicity (toxic
, severe_toxic
, obscene
, threat
, insult
, identity_hate
To launch the training:
python3 train
For training with n-folds, use the parameter --fold-count
python3 train --fold-count 10
After training (1 or n-folds), to process the Kaggle test set, use:
python3 test
To classify a set of comments:
python3 classify
We use the dataset developed and presented by A. Athar in the following article:
[6] Awais Athar. "Sentiment Analysis of Citations using Sentence Structure-Based Features". Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Student Session, 81-87, 2011.
For a given scientific article, the task is to estimate if the occurrence of a bibliographical citation is positive, neutral or negative given its citation context. Note that the dataset, similarly to the Toxic Comment classification, is highly unbalanced (86% of the citations are neutral).
In this example, we formulate the problem as a 3 class regression (negative
. neutral
, positive
). To train the model:
python3 train
with n-folds:
python3 train --fold-count 10
Training and evalation (ratio):
python3 train-eval
which should produce the following evaluation (using the 2-layers Bidirectional GRU model gru
Evaluation on 896 instances:
Class: negative
accuracy at 0.5 = 0.9654017857142857
f-1 at 0.5 = 0.9654017857142857
log-loss = 0.1056664130630102
roc auc = 0.898580121703854
Class: neutral
accuracy at 0.5 = 0.8939732142857143
f-1 at 0.5 = 0.8939732142857143
log-loss = 0.25354114470640177
roc auc = 0.88643347739321
Class: positive
accuracy at 0.5 = 0.9185267857142857
f-1 at 0.5 = 0.9185267857142856
log-loss = 0.1980544119553914
roc auc = 0.8930591175116723
average accuracy at 0.5 = 0.9259672619047619
average f-1 at 0.5 = 0.9259672619047619
average log-loss = 0.18575398990826777
average roc auc = 0.8926909055362455
average accuracy at 0.5 = 0.9259672619047624
average f-1 at 0.5 = 0.9259672619047624
average log-loss = 0.18575398990826741
average roc auc = 0.9296875
In [6], based on a SVM (linear kernel) and custom features, the author reports a F-score of 0.898 for micro-average and 0.764 for macro-average. As we can observe, a non-linear deep learning approach, even without any feature engineering nor tuning, is very robust for an unbalanced dataset and provides higher accuracy.
To classify a set of citation contexts:
python3 classify
which will produce some JSON output like this:
"model": "citations",
"date": "2018-05-13T16:06:12.995944",
"software": "DeLFT",
"classifications": [
"negative": 0.001178970211185515,
"text": "One successful strategy [15] computes the set-similarity involving (multi-word) keyphrases about the mentions and the entities, collected from the KG.",
"neutral": 0.187219500541687,
"positive": 0.8640883564949036
"negative": 0.4590276777744293,
"text": "Unfortunately, fewer than half of the OCs in the DAML02 OC catalog (Dias et al. 2002) are suitable for use with the isochrone-fitting method because of the lack of a prominent main sequence, in addition to an absence of radial velocity and proper-motion data.",
"neutral": 0.3570767939090729,
"positive": 0.18021513521671295
"negative": 0.0726129561662674,
"text": "However, we found that the pairwise approach LambdaMART [41] achieved the best performance on our datasets among most learning to rank algorithms.",
"neutral": 0.12469841539859772,
"positive": 0.8224021196365356
"runtime": 1.202
use/experiment more with OOV mechanisms
train decent French embeddings (Glove and ELMo)
Test Theano as alternative backend (waiting for Apache MXNet...)
augment word vectors with features, in particular layout features generated by GROBID
Review/rewrite the current Linear Chain CRF layer that we are using, this Keras CRF implementation is (i) a runtime bottleneck, we could try to use Cython for improving runtime and (ii) the viterbi decoding is incomplete, it does not outputing final decoded label scores and it can't output n-best.
benchmark with OntoNotes 5 - other languages
Align the CoNLL corpus tokenisation (CoNLL corpusis "pre-tokenised", but we might not want to follow this tokenisation logic)
Production stack:
improve runtime
see how efficiently feed and execute those Keras/Tensorflow models with DL4J/Java
Build more models and examples...
model for entity disambiguation
dependency parser
Keras CRF implementation by Philipp Gross
The evaluations for sequence labelling are based on a modified version of
The preprocessor of the sequence labelling part is derived from
ELMo contextual embeddings are developed by the AllenNLP team and we use the TensorFlow library bilm-tf for integrating them into DeLFT.
Distributed under Apache 2.0 license. The dependencies used in the project are either themselves also distributed under Apache 2.0 license or distributed under a compatible license.
Contact: Patrice Lopez (