Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in San Francisco, CA (3/29/16 - 6/9/16).
Instructors: Sinan Ozdemir Teaching Assistants: Mars Williams / Imeh Williams
Office hours:
W: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Sa: 12pm-2pm
Su: 12pm-2pm
All will be held in the student center at GA, 225 Bush Street
Tuesday | Thursday | Project Milestone | HW |
3/29: Introduction / Expectations / Intro to Data Science | 3/31: Introduction to Git / Pandas | ||
4/5: Pandas | 4/7: APIs / Web Scraping 101 | HW 1 Assigned (Th) | |
4/12: Intro to Machine Learning / KNN | 4/14: Scikit-learn / Model Evaluation | Question and Data Set (Th) | HW 1 Due (Th) |
4/19: Linear Regression | 4/21: Logistic Regression | ||
4/26: Time Series Data | 4/28: Working on a Data Problem | HW 2 Assigned (Th) | |
5/3: Clustering | 5/5: Natural Language Processing | HW 2 Due (Th) | |
5/10: Naive Bayes | 5/12: Decision Trees | One Pager Due (Th) | |
5/17: Ensembling Techniques | 5/19: Dimension Reduction |
Peer Review Due (Th) | HW 3 Assigned (Th) |
5/24 Support Vector Machines | 5/26: Web Development with Flask | HW 3 Due (Th) | |
5/31/16: Recommendation Engines | 6/2: Neural Networks | ||
6/7: Projects | 6/9: Projects | Git Er Done | Git Er Done |
- Install the Anaconda distribution of Python 2.7x.
- Install Git and create a GitHub account.
- Once you receive an email invitation from Slack, join our "SF_DAT_17 team" and add your photo!
- Introduction to General Assembly slides
- Course overview: our philosophy and expectations (slides)
- Intro to Data Science: slides
Break -- Command Line Tutorial
- Introduction on how to read and write iPython notebooks tutorial
- Python pre-work here
- Next class we will go over proper use of git and ipython notebooks in more depth
- Make sure you have everything installed as specified above in "Installation and Setup" by Thursday
- Read this awesome intro to Git here
- Read this intro to the iPython notebook here
- Introduction to Git
- Intro to Pandas walkthrough here
- Pandas is an excellent tool for exploratory data analysis
- It allows us to easily manipulate, graph, and visualize basic statistics and elements of our data
- Pandas Lab!
- Go through the python file and finish any exercise you weren't able to in class
- Make sure you have all of the repos cloned and ready to go
- You should have both "sfdat22" and "sfdat22_work"
- Read Greg Reda's Intro to Pandas
- Take a look at Kaggle's Titanic competition
- Another Git turorial here
- In depth Git/Github tutorial series made by a GA_DC Data Science Instructor here
- Another Intro to Pandas (Written by Wes McKinney and is adapted from his book)
- Here is a video of Wes McKinney going through his ipython notebook!
- Don't forget to
git pull
in the sfdat22 repo in your command line - Intro to Pandas walkthrough here (same as last Thursdays)
- Pandas Lab 1 (same as last Thursday)
- Extended Intro to Pandas walkthrough here (new)
- Pandas Lab 2 (new)
- Finish any lab questions that you did not finish in class
- Make sure everything is pushed to sfdat22_work if you'd like us to take a look
- make sure both requests and beautifulsoup are installed
- To check, try
import requests
andimport bs4
both work without error while running python!
- To check, try
- Read this intro to APIs
- Check out the National UFO Reporting Center here it will be one of the topics of the lab on Thursday
- Examples of joins in Pandas
- For more on Pandas plotting, read the visualization page from the official Pandas documentation.
- I will also be using a module called
today.- To install please type into your console
conda install tweepy
- OR if that does not work,
pip install tweepy
- OR if that does not work,
- To install please type into your console
- Slides on Getting Data here
- Intro to Regular Expressions here
- Getting Data from the open web here
- Getting Data from an API here
- LAB on getting data here
- The first homework will be assigned by tomorrow morning (in a homework folder) and it is due NEXT Thursday (4/14)
- It is a combo of pandas question with a bit of API/scraping
- Please push your completed work to your sfdat22_work repo for grading
- Mashape allows you to explore tons of different APIs. Alternatively, a Python API wrapper is available for many popular APIs.
- The Data Science Toolkit is a collection of location-based and text-related APIs.
- API Integration in Python provides a very readable introduction to REST APIs.
- Microsoft's Face Detection API, which powers, is a great example of how a machine learning API can be leveraged to produce a compelling web application. Web Scraping Resources:
- For a much longer web scraping tutorial covering Beautiful Soup, lxml, XPath, and Selenium, watch Web Scraping with Python (3 hours 23 minutes) from PyCon 2014. The slides and code are also available.
- and Kimono claim to allow you to scrape websites without writing any code. Its alrighhhtttttt
- How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love and How Netflix Reverse Engineered Hollywood are two fun examples of how web scraping has been used to build interesting datasets.
Iris pre-work code
- Using numpy to investigate the iris dataset further
- Understanding how humans learn so that we can teach the machine!
Intro to numpy code
- Numerical Python, code adapted from tutorial here
- Special attention to the idea of the np.array
Intro to Machine Learning and KNN slides
- Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
- Regression vs. Classification
Lab to create our own KNN model
- The one page project milestone as well as the pandas homework! See requirements here
- Read this excellent article, Understanding the Bias-Variance Tradeoff, and be prepared to discuss it in class on Wednesday. (You can ignore sections 4.2 and 4.3.) Here are some questions to think about while you read:
- In the Party Registration example, what are the features? What is the response? Is this a regression or classification problem?
- In the interactive visualization, try using different values for K across different sets of training data. What value of K do you think is "best"? How do you define "best"?
- In the visualization, what do the lighter colors versus the darker colors mean? How is the darkness calculated?
- How does the choice of K affect model bias? How about variance?
- As you experiment with K and generate new training data, how can you "see" high versus low variance? How can you "see" high versus low bias?
- Why should we care about variance at all? Shouldn't we just minimize bias and ignore variance?
- Does a high value for K cause over-fitting or under-fitting?
- For a more in-depth look at machine learning, read section 2.1 (14 pages) of Hastie and Tibshirani's excellent book, An Introduction to Statistical Learning. (It's a free PDF download!)
- Introduction to scikit-learn with iris data (code)
- Exploring the scikit-learn documentation: user guide, module reference, class documentation
- Discuss the article on the bias-variance tradeoff
- Look as some code on the bias variace tradeoff
- To run this, I use a module called "seaborn"
- To install to anywhere in your terminal (git bash) and type in
sudo pip install seaborn
- Model evaluation procedures (slides, code)
- Glass Identification Lab here
- Keep working on your project. Your data exploration and analysis plan is due in three weeks!
- Practice what we learned in class today! Finish up the Glass data lab
- Here's a great 30-second explanation of overfitting.
- For more on today's topics, these videos from Hastie and Tibshirani are useful: overfitting and train/test split (14 minutes), cross-validation (14 minutes). (Note that they use the terminology "validation set" instead of "test set".)
- Alternatively, read section 5.1 (12 pages) of An Introduction to Statistical Learning, which covers the same content as the videos.
- This video from Caltech's machine learning course presents an excellent, simple example of the bias-variance tradeoff (15 minutes) that may help you to visualize bias and variance.
Linear regression (notebook)
- In depth slides here
LAB -- Yelp dataset here with the Yelp reviews data. It is not required but your next homework will involve this dataset so it would be helpful to take a look now!
- Watch these videos on probability and odds (8 minutes) if you're not familiar with either of those terms.
- Read these excellent articles from BetterExplained: An Intuitive Guide To Exponential Functions & e and Demystifying the Natural Logarithm (ln).
- Correlation does not imply Causation
- P-values can't always be trusted
- Setosa has an excellent interactive visualization of linear regression.
- To go much more in-depth on linear regression, read Chapter 3 of An Introduction to Statistical Learning, from which this lesson was adapted. Alternatively, watch the related videos or read my quick reference guide to the key points in that chapter.
- To learn more about Statsmodels and how to interpret the output, DataRobot has some decent posts on simple linear regression and multiple linear regression.
- This introduction to linear regression is much more detailed and mathematically thorough, and includes lots of good advice.
- This is a relatively quick post on the assumptions of linear regression.
- John Rauser's talk on Statistics Without the Agonizing Pain (12 minutes) gives a great explanation of how the null hypothesis is rejected.
- A major scientific journal recently banned the use of p-values:
- Scientific American has a nice summary of the ban.
- This response to the ban in Nature argues that "decisions that are made earlier in data analysis have a much greater impact on results".
- Andrew Gelman has a readable paper in which he argues that "it's easy to find a p < .05 comparison even if nothing is going on, if you look hard enough".
- An article on "P Hacking" the idea that you can alter data in order to achieve good p values
- Logistic regression (notebook)
- BONUS slides here (These slides go a bit deeper into the math)
- Confusion matrix (slides)
- LAB -- Exercise with Titanic data instructions
- If you aren't yet comfortable with all of the confusion matrix terminology, watch Rahul Patwari's videos on Intuitive sensitivity and specificity (9 minutes) and The tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity (13 minutes).
- To go deeper into logistic regression, read the first three sections of Chapter 4 of An Introduction to Statistical Learning, or watch the first three videos (30 minutes) from that chapter.
- For a math-ier explanation of logistic regression, watch the first seven videos (71 minutes) from week 3 of Andrew Ng's machine learning course, or read the related lecture notes compiled by a student.
- For more on interpreting logistic regression coefficients, read this excellent guide by UCLA's IDRE and these lecture notes from the University of New Mexico.
- The scikit-learn documentation has a nice explanation of what it means for a predicted probability to be calibrated.
- Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet is a very nice comparison of four classifiers we cover in the course (logistic regression, decision trees, KNN, Naive Bayes) and one classifier we do not cover (Support Vector Machines).
- This simple guide to confusion matrix terminology may be useful to you as a reference.