
Allows the generation of SilverStripe unit test fixtures from existing DataObjects either programatically created or from the database

Primary LanguagePHP

SilverStripe Fixture Generator

Build Status

Allows the generation of SilverStripe unit test fixtures from existing DataObjects either programatically created or from the database.

Creating fixtures files for unit tests is tedious at best, and this library's goal is to alleviate some of the pain.

Installation (with composer)

$ composer require camspiers/silverstripe-fixturegenerator:~0.1


use Camspiers\SilverStripe\FixtureGenerator;

$records = //some DataObjectSet

(new FixtureGenerator\Generator(
    new FixtureGenerator\Dumpers\Yaml(
        __DIR__ . '/tests/MyFixture.yml'

Unit testing

$ composer install --dev
$ phpunit