title and purpose of the application
    JavaFX Appointment Creator
    The purpose of this application is to keep track of meeting appointments for different customer and contacts

•  author, contact information, student application version, and date
    Stevie Pinero, spinero@wgu.edu, version 1.0, 9/10/2023

•  IDE including version number (e.g., IntelliJ Community 2020.01), full JDK of version used (e.g., Java SE 17.0.1), and JavaFX version compatible with JDK version (e.g. JavaFX-SDK-17.0.1)
   IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2 (Ultimate Edition)

•  directions for how to run the program
    open ide
    press 'run'

•  a description of the additional report of your choice you ran in part A3f
    This is a report that tracks the total number of updates made by each user in the database.

•  the MySQL Connector driver version number, including the update number