UniPass Custom Auth iOS SDK


Use Xcode to add to the project (File -> Swift Packages) or add this to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/UniPassID/Custom-Auth-iOS-SDK.git", from: "0.0.1-alpha.25")

Initialize Smart Account

Step1: Initialize Master Key Signer

Master Key Signer is the main signer for signing messages and transactions. You can create the EOA Signer using the EOASigner class provided by the SDK

Init EOA Signer

import web3

let keyStorage = EthereumKeyLocalStorage()

let masterKeySigner = try? EthereumAccount.create(replacing: keyStorage, keystorePassword: "MY_PASSWORD")

Step2: Initialize Smart Account

To initialize the smart account, you need to init the active chainId by default.

import Shared
import CustomAuthSdk

// public struct SmartAccountOptions {
//     public init(masterKeySigner: Signer? = nil, masterKeyRoleWeight: RoleWeight? = nil, appId: String, unipassServerUrl: String? = nil, chainOptions: Array<ChainOptions>);
// }
// public struct ChainOptions {
//     public init(chainId: ChainID, rpcUrl: String, relayerUrl: String? = nil);
// }

let options = SmartAccountOptions(masterKeySigner: masterKeySigner, appId: appId,  chainOptions: [ChainOptions(chainId: ChainID.POLYGON_MUMBAI, rpcUrl: "https://node.wallet.unipass.id/polygon-mumbai")])

let smartAccount = SmartAccount(options:options)

let initOptions = SmartAccountInitOptions(chainId: ChainID.POLYGON_MUMBAI)
smartAccount.initialize(options: initOptions)

Send Transaction

Step1: Generate Transaction

let tx = Shared.Transaction(
    to: to,       // to address hex string
    data: "0x",   // transaction data
    value: "0x1"  // transaction value

Step2: Get Fee Options and Consumption through simulateTransaction()

You need to call this method in a suspend function because it is an asynchronous method

// public struct SimulateResult {
//     public var isFeeRequired: Bool
//     public var feeOptions: [FeeOption]

//     public init(isFeeRequired: Bool, feeOptions: [FeeOption]);
// }

// public struct FeeOption {
//     public var token: String
//     public var name: String
//     public var symbol: String
//     public var decimals: UInt8
//     public var to: String
//     public var amount: String
//     public var error: String?

//     public init(token: String, name: String, symbol: String, decimals: UInt8, to: String, amount: String, error: String?);
// }

let simulateRet = try? await smartAccount.simulateTransaction(transaction: tx);

Step3: Validate Whether Fee is Sufficient

// Token_CA: The contract address of the token you want to use as gasFee
// Example: Take USDC on Mumbai as gasFee
let Token_CA = "0x87F0E95E11a49f56b329A1c143Fb22430C07332a"

var fee:FeeOption?
if (simulateRet!!.isFeeRequired) {
    fee = feeOptions.first(where: { feeOption in
        feeOption.token == Token_CA.lowercased()

let sendTransactionOptions = SendingTransactionOptions(fee:fee)

Notice that if there is a transaction involving fee tokens, the validating result may not be accurate.

Step4: Select Fee Option and Send Transaction

You need to call this method in a suspend function because it is an asynchronous method

let txHash = try? await smartAccount.sendTransaction(transaction: tx, options: sendTransactionOptions)
let receipt = try? await smartAccount.waitTransactionReceiptByHash(transactionHash: txHash!!);

Sign & Verify Message

Sign Message

let message = "Hello UniPass!"; // The Message to Sign
let signature = smartAccount.signMessage(message: message); // Sign message

Verify Message

Sign & Verify Typed Data

Sign Typed Data

import Shared
import CustomAuthSdk

let domain = Eip712Domain(name: "uniPass", version: "0.1.2", chainId: 8001, verifyingContract: "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC", salt: nil)
let types = ["EIP712Domain":[Eip712DomainType(name: "name", type: "string"),Eip712DomainType(name: "version", type:"string"),Eip712DomainType(name: "chainId", type: "uint256"),Eip712DomainType(name: "verifyingContract", type: "address")],"Mail":[Eip712DomainType(name: "from", type:"address"),Eip712DomainType(name: "to", type: "address"),Eip712DomainType(name: "contents", type: "string")]]

let typedData = Shared.TypedData(domain: domain, types:types, primaryType: "Mail", message: ["from":Shared.Value.stringValue(inner: "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"),"to":Shared.Value.stringValue(inner: "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"),"contents":Shared.Value.stringValue(inner: "Hello, Bob!")])
let sig = try! await self.smartAccount!.signTypedData(typedData: typedData)

Verify Typed Data

Methods of SmartAccount

The instance of SmartAccount returns the following functions:

  • Get Smart Account Info
    • address() : returns the address of your smart account.
    • isDeployed() : returns the result whether your smart account is deployed in current chain.
    • chainId(): returns current chain id of your smart account.
  • switchChain(): switch active chain
  • sendTransaction(): returns the response of transaction
  • signMessage(): returns the signature using personal sign
  • signTypedData(): returns the signature using sign typed data

Get Smart Account Info


This returns the address of your smart account.

let address = try? await smartAccount.address();


This returns the result whether your smart account is deployed in current chain.

let isDeployed = try? await smartAccount.isDeployed();


This returns current chain of your smart account.

let chainId = try? smartAccount.chainId(); // ChainID


Switch active chain