
DRY résumé builder for Emacs org-mode - write once and export to pretty PDF, HTML or ODT.

Primary LanguageShell


Yet another CV maker.

DRY résumé builder for emacs. Write your résumé in org-mode then create versions in PDF and HTML. Tweak and massage locally, then upload to your webserver to publish!

Built using shkeleton, my shell CLI wireframe: https://github.com/joseph8th/shkeleton








git clone git@github.com:joseph8th/resumemacs.git


usage: resumemacs [--help ] [--version ] [--only TYPE] [--publish ] [--config CFGFILE] [--dest DEST] ORGFILE

       -h --help
              print help message

       -v --version
              print version information

       -o --only TYPE
              only convert ORGFILE to TYPE in [pdf, html, odt]

       -p --publish
              publish to webserver specified in config

       -c --config CFGFILE
              use external CFGFILE instead of config in resumemacs.sh

       -d --dest DEST
              output directory DEST (default: dirname ORGFILE)


The easiest way to use resumemacs is to rely on some defaults: it expects the files in your CV project directory to be named after that directory. So the example directory contains an example.org file and an example.sh file. (You can work around the defaults with command line options.)

  1. After installing, copy the example to resume and rename example.org to resume.org, and example.sh to resume.sh.

  2. Then open resume/resume.org in emacs and write the body of your CV.

  3. Next open resume/resume.sh and edit the personal info, and the remote settings for your webserver.

Then just run the script like this:

# Working locally ...
./resumemacs /path/to/resume.org -d output

# Build and upload ...
./resumemacs /path/to/resume.org -d output -p

# Build only PDF and HTML and upload ...
./resumemacs /path/to/resume.org -d output -o \"pdf html\" -p

Open output/resume.html in your browser to work on the style, and view output/resume.pdf in your PDF viewer.

Advanced Usage

  • CFGFILE: By default resumemacs looks for the config file in dirname/dirname.sh but you can keep those anywhere, and override the default by passing the --config CFGFILE option.

  • PERSONAL_INFO_TEMPLATES: The personal info headers for LaTEX and HTML are generated using the info in your config file, joined by default with the etc/personal_info_templates.sh file. You can change either heading structure by editing this file. You can have multiple heading templates by changing the PERSONAL_INFO_TEMPLATES path in your config file, which will override the default setting.

  • HTML_BASE_TEMPLATE: The base pandoc HTML template is in etc/default.html5. Similarly you can either modify it in place, or specify a different template using the HTML_BASE_TEMPLATE setting in your config file.

  • CSS_LOCAL: Similarly, you can use different stylesheets by specifying a path in the CSS_LOCAL setting in your config file.
