
Linux OS for Miyoo Mini Handheld

Primary LanguageC

Linux OS for Miyoo Mini (Plus)




  1. Patch U-Boot
    You can patch U-Boot by rel_u-boot_patch_20230719.zip on Stock OS
  2. Make bootable MicroSD for Linux OS
a). Reserve 8MB in head for kernel image
b). Create Partition 1 with FAT32 format
c). Create 'root' and 'dev' folders in root of Partition 1
d). Copy 'mininit' to root of Partition 1
e). Copy 'rootfs.squashfs' to root of Partition 1
  1. Flash kernel to MicroSD
$  sudo dd if=arch/arm/boot/uImage.xz of=/dev/sdX bs=1K seek=8


Linux and Stock OS

It boots into Linux OS if user presses SELECT button when power on. By default, it goes into Stock OS if without SELECT pressed.




How to prepare the build environment (Docker)

$ cd docker
$ sudo docker build -t rpatch .


How to delete the build environment (Docker)

$ sudo docker image rm rpatch


How to build kernel

$ cd kernel
$ sudo docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) -v $(pwd):/kernel rpatch /bin/bash

Docker $ export PATH=/opt/prebuilt/bin/:$PATH
Docker $ cd /kernel
Docker $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make miyoo_mini_defconfig
Docker $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- LOADADDR=0x20008000 make all -j4


How to build mininit

$ cd mininit
$ make



  1. Cannot power off