FlightSearch v0.12

Special Notes:

1.0 Browsers Supported

  • In order to be compatible with as many devices as possible, we support the following browsers : Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 3.6+, Opera 12+, Safari 5+, Internet Explorer 9
  • We prioritize support for Safari and Chrome as they are default browsers for most users, then move on to support fallbacks on other browers for Mozilla , IE and Opera.

2.0 Frameworks used

  • Ruby on Rails > Because its fast, easy to test and templating engines are great to reduce bloat than vanilla HTML, potential to reduce bloat on JS with coffeescript etc
  • Twitter Bootstrap > Primarily chosen because of the ability to support the browsers we aim to support, more importantly since this is a short term project, I just want to make sure whoever is a developer not have a hard time maintaining it. More importantly, a lot of rails gems come with bootstrap support that is easy to run functional test / automatic test on.
  • Bourbon > Good framework to have a quick way to control our scaling of fonts etc from a global variables POV. Good for CSS styling with SASS Mixins too.

3.0 CSS Libraries Used

We add libraries only when existing framework do not support the feature, so we do not bloat up the site with loading multiple CSS libraries. Goal is to be as lean as possible

  • Fontawesome > Icon fonts are great. Fontawesome is also pretty robust for all kind of use-cases

4.0 JS Libraries used

We rely on JS libraries primarily for widget / interaction purpose that isn't supplied with bootstrap 3

  • Ion Rangeslider > Picked this because it has one of the most stars on Github, more importantly it is easy to modify and maintain, some are really a pain to update, supports the browsers we aim to support mentioned above.
  • Bootstrap Form Helper > Added this in to enhance our existing form inputs such as country selector and date selector. This is a pretty comprehensive library but lacks support for older browsers.

5.0 Ruby GEMS Used

  • Hologram > Picked this so we can generate a living styleguide that everyone can use, nice sublime like editor. Took a while to setup and drop in the SCSS files in but once its up and running its quite useful actually. Used it myself to build the site

6.0 UI Structure

  • UI has to be responsive from day 1, reliable grid system is important. Bootstrap isn't the best choice for this probably cause its a bit heavy but its probably the quickest, plans to transition into bourbon 100% in future for Grid and Components control but it also depends on how comfortable the development team is with not using bootstrap because existing components may already be bootstrapped.
  • UI structure aims to be separated into Components, Modules, Global Elements
  • Component - Refers to HTML components that we can re-use easily in any part of the site e.g. input fields, buttons, datepickers etc. We introduce these at the styleguide section so developers can easily drop in to get what they need time to time
  • Modules - Made up of a set of components e.g. our flight result card, it consists of components such as buttons , headers etc. Also designed to be re-used
  • Global Elements - These SASS Mixins variables found under assets/stylesheets/globals/variables.scss controls all aspect of the site ranging from font size scaling, colors and other variables often re-used in stylesheets

7.0 UI Component Structure

  • Basically, after creating UI components in HTML, we turn them into haml files sorted into either /assets/views/flightsearch/components or /assets/views/flightsearch/sections
  • These sections and components are re-usable in any view pages that resides in /assets/view/flightsearch/ folder
  • Any changes made directly to these components have a direct impact on all views under the parent folder

8.0 Visual Styleguide

  • Introduced to make lives as developers or frontend easier with introduction of helper css classes, quick ability to reduce grids to no margin or with additional margins (refer to
  • Quick way to drop in on HTML markup for buttons, icons, color schemes etc so its easy to communicate the UI changes to both developers and designers. (refer to
  • Purposefully generated with Hologram GEM, so we do not need to invest too much time on generating styleguide, next steps is perhaps add GuardReload or Watcher to compile css changes as we write it and then translate it into styleguide changes automatically.

9.0 To-Do-List in future WIP

  • Point libraries to CDN to reduce load on client's devices.
  • Transition to Bourbon 100%, abandon Bootstrap because too much bloat.
  • Allow for graceful fallback for IE9 and above / other browsers such as older version of Safari and Firefox.

10.0 Acknolwedgements

  • Thank you TW and Infant for giving me the opportunity to work on this.

Fixes in v0.12

  • Added support for country selector, fixed mobile hamburger menu
  • Components are now in haml sub-files for easy modifications and improved readibility

Known issues

  • Our bootstrap form helper library seems to have issue loading on pageload event, attempts will be made to fix this so country picker will appear on pageload
  • Style guide sections for utility has some templating issues that is causing navigational problems


  • ruby 2.2.3
  • nodeJS v0.10.33
  • RVM 1.26.11
  • Rails 4.2.3
  • xCode command line tools

Development Setup

Install Gems

> bundle install --without production

Run Hologram to generate styleguide

> hologram 

Lay back and enjoy the magic :)