This is an IRC bot to view and control STF ( You need the main STF library files to run this


Don't forget to set the path to the required STF files (and the dependencies, if need be). There are several ways to do this, but using PERL5OPT and/or PERL5LIB is one way to do it:

export PERL5OPT='-Mlib=/path/to/lib'
# or export PERL5LIB=/path/to/lib:$PERL5LIB


Configuration data should be included in STF's main config file, under 'IRCbot' seciont:

IRCbot => {
    server => 'your.irc.server',
    nickname => 'stf-bot',
    channels => {
        '#your-stf-channel' => {}

Except for the "server" parameter, all parameters are passed directly to AnySan. Please see AnySan::Provider::IRC's documentation (


All commands must be invoked by the bot's nickname prefixed with a "!":


If you named your bot "jimmy", you must use that (i.e. "!jimmy")

After the invokation, you must follow it with the main command name. Here are some sample commands:

!stf-bot object <$object_id>
!stf-bot object repair <$object_id>
!stf-bot entity <$object_id>

config [show] <$config_name>

Displays config information.

config set <$config_name> <$value>

Sets the config value.

config rm <$config_name>

Delete config from table.

object [show] <$object_id|$object_path>

Shows information about the object.

object repair <$object_id|$object_path>

Sends the object to repair queue

entity <$object_id|$object_path>

Shows the entities for object.