
A Javascript performance benchmarking tool to fill the jsperf void within me.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is perfect. It's pretty horrible.

If you don't know, jsPerf took a dive into the bowels of spam hell, and uh, well, it's been down for a good while

How do I even?

  • npm install for grabbing the dependencies.
  • npm run build to output your bundled scripts into the dist directory.
  • npm run develop to watch your files, rebuild on save, and also run a server at :8080
  • npm run lint to run a fine-toothed comb through it via Eslint.

This garbage is still hot garbage

I'm workin' on it. :D. Basically all it does now is log which code is fastest in the console. It's a little sad, but hey, it's something! ENJOY. OR DON'T. NO SKIN OFF MY BACK.