
is a node.js app that watches a willhaben search and reports new results to a telegram channel. It will only watch the first page of results.

In the first few intervals it may report some urls that are not really new, but that should stop in a while. If all search results are on the same results page false reports won't happen.


Requires npm and node.js.

  1. install dependencies: npm ci.
  2. copy .env-example to .env and fill variables
    • Create a telegram bot by talking to the botfather, use the token for TELEGRAM_TOKEN.
    • Talk to your new bot once.
    • Talk to the userinfobot to get your user id for TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID.
    • Fill WILLHABEN_URL with your search page. If you can, increase results per page.
    • Fill INTERVAL with interval in milliseconds (1000 is one second) it should look for updates.
  3. run npm run start to start.


  1. Build docker image via docker build -t watch-willhaben-test .
  2. Run docker image mounting your .env file to get correct results docker run --rm -ti -v "$(pwd)"/.env:/app/.env watch-willhaben-test
  3. For running on server detached and with restart and some name docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -v "$(pwd)"/.env:/app/.env --name "willhaben-1" watch-willhaben-test