
Primary LanguagePython

[UvA MSc AI DL2] Project: Can Neural Networks Estimate Difficulty?

This code supports our report of the same name.


  • Rick Akkerman
  • Konrad Bereda
  • Noah van der Vleuten
  • Jeroen Wijnen
  • Stefan Wijnja


Configure your virtual environment as desired using the conda environment or requirements.txt as supplied in the environments directory.

The setup required to generate or gather data is done at runtime.


  • TL;DR: Copy files from train-presets to the root directory of this repository to reproduce the experiments from our report.

Read on to understand the configuration options.

Many projects use a command-line arguments to configure and run experiments. Our project uses a train.py file in the root of the repository to configure an experiment, and provides templates that reproduce the experiments from our paper in the train-presets/ directory.

Each training file does the following:

  1. Configure a datamodule for a particular dataset. This is one of the datamodules in datamodules.py.

    • TinyImageNet200Datamodule: ImageNet, but scaled down to $64 \times 64$ images of 200 classes.
    • ParityDatamodule: The parity problem as described in our report.
    • FashionMNISTDataModule: the Fashion MNIST dataset. Results on this dataset are omitted in our report but fully supported in the codebase.
  2. Configure the model that should be used. This can be PonderNet, which supports the PonderNet as proposed by Banino et al., and our Bayesian generalization, or RegularNet, which takes similar arguments but runs for a fixed number of 'pondering' steps. Arguments are described in full in the docstring for these modules, and example configuration can be found in train-presets/. The arguments are:

    • step_function: Which step function to use. One of [mlp, rnn, bay_mlp, bay_rnn]. The step functions that start with bay_ use our bayesian generalization.
    • step_function_args: Dict of arguments to pass to the step function. This should contain configuration like:
      • in_dim: input dimensionality.
      • out_dim: output dimensionality.
      • state_dim: the dimensionality of the state that is passed from one step to another.
      • rnn_type (rnn and bay_rnn only): select what kind of RNN to use: rnn or gru.
    • preds_reduction_method: How the final prediction is assembled. One of:
      • ponder: Use the prediction where the Bernoulli draw parameterized by the halting parameter at that step lands on halt.
      • bayesian: Use a weighted average of the predictions at all steps, where the weights are determined by the probability of reaching a particular step and then stopping there.
      • bayesian_sampling: Same as above but with sampling. See report for details.
    • lambda_prior (PonderNet) or beta_prior (Bayesian PonderNet): parameterize the prior distribution.
    • scale_reg: the factor that the regularization term in the loss is scaled with.
    • ponder_epsilon: determines the threshold that determines the max probability of having stopped.
    • learning_rate: Learning rate for the model update.

    See the example configurations in train-presets, or read the docstring for more.

  3. Configure the trainer object. This is not particular to our project, it's simply the Pytorch Lightning Trainer. However, you can use our regularization warmup callback that is located in utils.py. It takes a start and slope argument to configure the trajectory of the regularization warmup.

  4. Call trainer.fit: start the configured experiment.

  5. Call trainer.test: test the trained model on the test set.