
Python program to render wave files into oscilloscope views, featuring advanced correlation-based triggering algorithm

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Appveyor build status Latest release PyPI release

Corrscope renders oscilloscope views of WAV files recorded from chiptune (game music from retro sound chips).

Corrscope uses "waveform correlation" to track complex waves (including SNES and Sega Genesis/FM synthesis) which jump around on other oscilloscope programs.

Sample results can be found on my Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/nyanpasu64/videos.

Documentation is available at https://corrscope.github.io/corrscope/.

Screenshot of Corrscope and video preview


Corrscope is currently in semi-active development. The program basically works and I will fix bugs as they are discovered. Features will be added (and feature requests may be accepted) on a case-by-case basis. For technical support or feedback, contact me at Discord (https://discord.gg/CCJZCjc), or alternatively in the issue tracker (using the "Support/feedback" template). Pull requests may be accepted if they're clean.


  • FFmpeg


On Windows, download Windows binary releases (.7z files), then double-click corrscope.exe or run corrscope (args) via CLI.

On other operating systems, download cross-platform Python packages (.whl or .tar.gz), then install Python 3.6+ and run pip install FILENAME.whl, then run corr (args).

Installing from PyPI via Pip (cross-platform, releases)

Install Python 3.6 or above (3.5 will not work). Note that Python versions other than 3.8 and 3.9 are untested.

# Installs into per-user Python environment.
pip3 install --user corrscope
corr (args)

Running from Source Code (cross-platform, dev master)

Install Python 3.6 or above (3.5 will not work), and Poetry.

# Installs into an isolated environment.
# Install Poetry (only do this once)
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdispater/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python
cd path/to/corrscope
poetry install corrscope  # --develop is implied
poetry run corr (args)

GUI Tutorial

  1. Open GUI:
    • corrscope.exe to create new project
    • corrscope.exe file.yaml to open existing project
  2. Add audio to play back
    • On the right side of the window, click "Browse" to pick a master audio file.
  3. Add oscilloscope channels
    • On the right side of the window, click "Add" to add WAV files to be viewed.
  4. Edit settings
    • Global settings on the left side of the window
    • Per-channel on the right side
  5. Play or render to MP4/etc. video (requires ffmpeg)
    • Via toolbar or menu

Command-line Tutorial

  1. Create YAML:

    • corrscope split*.wav --audio master.wav -w
    • Specify all channels on the command line.
    • -a or --audio specifies master audio track.
    • Creates file master.yaml.
  2. Edit master.yaml to change settings.

  3. Play (requires ffmpeg):

    • corrscope master.yaml -p/--play
  4. Render and encode video (requires ffmpeg)

    • corrscope master.yaml -r/--render file.mp4 (other file extensions supported)


Issues, feature requests, and pull requests are accepted.

This project uses Black code formatting. Either pull request authors can reformat code before creating a PR, or maintainers can reformat code before merging.

You can install a Git pre-commit hook to apply Black formatting before each commit. Open a terminal/cmd in this repository and run:

pip install --user pre-commit
pre-commit install