Diagnostic Tool for DNS lookup


Requires abilility to grand SCC privileged to default SA to run this tool.


  1. Edit the dns-gather-tool.yaml file to add the hosts
  2. Apply the yaml - oc apply -f dns-gather-tool.yaml
  3. daemonset won't start unless default serviceaccount has privileged SCC
  4. Grant scc privileged to default SA
  oc project dns-gather-tool
  oc admin policy add-scc-to-user -z default
  1. Restart the daemonset
  • oc delete daemonset/dns-gather-tool
  • oc apply -f dns-gather-tool.yaml

This should start the daemonset and will start collecting dns lookup info. All sucessfull lookups will be ignored and only the failed ones will be collected.

Use gather-diagnostic-info.sh to copy the data to your local machine for further analysis.

How it works


  • find a better way to bootstrap/deploy the tool
  • Add verbose usage info
  • Add How it works section