Colors Challenge

This application is developed using Next.js and it generates color swatches via API and displayed in frontend. You can generate more colors just by clicking "Generete Colors" button. The purpose of this task is to display code extensibility.

How to run the project?

  • npm i
  • npm run dev

Adding Color Space

  • Adding color space interface

    Add an interface in "src/types/color-space.d.ts" file.
    export interface ColorSpaceInterface {
        red: number;
        blue: number;
        green: number;
        type: string;
  • declare class that implements previously created color space interface

    Declare a class named as BRGB in "src/pages/api/get-random-colors.ts" file.
    class BRGB implements Handler<ColorSpaceInterface> {
      Encode(): ColorSpaceInterface {
        return {
          blue: getRandomNumbers(0, 1000),
          green: getRandomNumbers(0, 1000),
          red: getRandomNumbers(0, 1000),
          type: 'brgb'
  • Add BRGB class to Controllers

    Add previously declared class to handlers inside Controllers which is located in "src/pages/api/get-random-colors.ts" file.
    private handlers: Handler<any>[] = [..., new BRGB()];
    That's it you can check the response in Network Tab in developer console or add a condition in frontend to render the color.