
A space invaders implementation in gambit-c scheme

Primary LanguageScheme

                        Scheme Space Invaders

                             version 1.0

                   #     #                 @     @
                    #   #                @  @   @  @
                   #######               @ @@@@@@@ @
                  ## ### ##              @@@ @@@ @@@
                 ###########             @@@@@@@@@@@
                 # ####### #               @@@@@@@ 
                 # #     # #               @     @ 
                    ## ##                 @       @


This re-make of the classic arcade game "space invaders" is based on
the version available on the well known arcade emulator called
mame. It is made to look as close as possible to the original arcade

This game was made for fun, but also in the context of my master's
thesis at the university of Montreal under the supervision of Marc
Feeley. The aim behind writing video games in scheme is to try to
demonstrate not only that it is possible to write games in scheme, but
that such games would have smaller developpement time, better code,
less bugs, etc...

Thus space invaders is only the first step into my thesis and more
games will be comming up later! I would like also to note that the
version 1.0 is only a draft. Much ugly things can be found in the code
and I will still continue the developpement of this game further by
ameliorating the way the code is structured and modify parts of it's
basic architecture to experiment different design ideas. This is
what's beautifull about scheme, isn't it? I tried to comment the code
so that it should be understandable by interested schemers.

I hope you can enjoy this game as well as I enjoyed developping it!

David St-Hilaire

Game Controls:

Menu controls:
     '1' -> Starts 1 player game
     '2' -> Starts 2 players game
     'r' -> Reset the engine
     'c' -> Show game credits
     'f' -> Show framerate
     'q' -> Quit

In-game controls:
     'left-arrow'  -> move left
     'right-arrow' -> move right
     'space bar'   -> shoot a laser
     'r'           -> rest the engine
     'f'           -> Show the framerate
     'q'           -> Quit


The code provided is to be used in the public domain, without any
restrictions. The source code is accompanied by a small Star Wars
music sound clip which I believe not to be in the public domain. I
still transmit it with hope that George Williams will spare me for
being a star wars fanboy...! o_-

Compilation Notes:

This game possess 2 user interfaces, one built over glut and the other
over SDL. The SDL version is much better then the glut one, but both
are still supported. The makefile should make the compilation
straightforward. The compilation dependance are the following:

common dependencies:
  -gambit-c version v4.2+
  -opengl and glu

glut specific dependencies:

sdl specific dependencies:

If the required dependencies are installed in their "normal" path then
the compilation should be straightforward, otherwise the path can be
adjusted while using the "make" command. Please refer to the makefile
for details about how to ajust these path variables.

The provided makefile supports mingw (windows), linux and mac osx.

-Windows and linux instructions:

The glut version does NOT work in windows (as much as I tried to make
it work...). For SDL, Gambit, SDL and SDL_mixer must be compiled and
then, by setting their path correclty with the PATH_TO_XXX variables,
the compilation should be straightforward.

-Mac OSX instructions:

Gambit needs to be compiled with gcc. Then, SDL and SDL_mixer
frameworks must be downloaded from the SDL website
(http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php) and installed into the
/System/Library/Frameworks directory. The SDL-devel-extra needs also
to be installed somewhere. Again, by setting their path correclty with
the PATH_TO_XXX variables, the compilation should be straightforward.

-General instructions:

There are 2 important flags to use which are OS={win,linux,mac} and
UI={glut,sdl}, which should make the desired executable. Here are
exemples of usage of the makefile:

make PATH_TO_GAMBIT=/opt/gambit-c/current OS=linux UI=sdl

make PATH_TO_GAMBIT=$HOME/gambit-c/current OS=mac UI=sdl

Here is the command I use to cross compile the game from gentoo linux
to a windows executable release .zip bundle:

make OS=win UI=sdl PATH_TO_SDL=../SDL-win32 PATH_TO_SDL_mixer=../SDL-win32 PATH_TO_GL=/usr/i686-mingw32/usr GAMBIT_INCLUDE=../win-gambit-c/v4.2.8/include GAMBIT_LIB=../win-gambit-c/v4.2.8/lib CC=i686-mingw32-gcc && make release OS=win

In this complex example, PATH_TO_GAMBIT could not be used because we
need to use the system's (linux version) of gsc but use the windows
version of the library and header files.