Easy-to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts
I never really liked any of the mergetools
out there so I made a simple program that does simple things… in a simple fashion.
$ go get github.com/mkchoi212/fac
Or using Homebrew 🍺
brew tap mkchoi212/fac https://github.com/mkchoi212/fac.git
brew install fac
Please note fac does NOT support diff3 merge conflict outputs yet!
operates much like git add -p
. It has a prompt input at the bottom of the screen where the user inputs various commands.
The commands have been preset to the following specifications
w - show more lines up
s - show more lines down
a - use local version
d - use incoming version
j - scroll down
k - scroll up
v - [v]iew orientation
n - [n]ext conflict
p - [p]revious conflict
h | ? - [h]elp
q | Ctrl+c - [q]uit
[w,a,s,d,?] >> [INPUT HERE]
The movement controls have been derived from both the world of gamers (WASD) and VIM users (HJKL).
This is an open source project so feel free to contribute by
See License