Final Project


simply run kubectl apply -R -f k8s . Files are named in a way that kubectl will apply them in the correct order

This project has 3 services:

  • Ingestor, responsible for ingesting static data into mongo
  • scraper, which allows to you to ingest data from twitter API. But it's very limited, and you get 429 error (too many requests) quite often.
  • Analytics, which queries mongo, and uses pandas + matplotlib to output graphs
  • ui, which provides a basic UI to run the ingestion and see the graphs

Ingestor and analtics are web api using FastAPI and python. They are package managed, by poetry, so poetry is needed to run services localy. Each project has a file allowing local work with k8s cluster, using a tool called telepresence.

ui is a static website (html + js) served by nginx.

Images are built using github actions to github container registry.


scraper is written in node.js, and requires you to supply an API_KEY env var. please see here on how to get API_KEY -

as this is a public repo, the k8s folder has no API_KEY set. please edit k8s/3_2_scraper/0_scraper.secret.yaml and set the API_KEY in base64