
An opinionated GIT workflow strategy

Primary LanguageMakefile

Git Tag Flow (GTF) Version 0.0.7


Git Tag Flow is an alternate, convention based workflow to gitflow and trunk based work flows. It combines the best (lightest) features of both, and provides and opinionated, yet simple, deployment and release strategy via git tags and the principle of GitOps.

Why another git work flow?

Git flow is heavy and even considered legacy by some. Heavy in that it requires maintenance of long lived branches and requires strict conventions when performing releases via release branches.

Trunk based develops suggests that your architecture should change in order to facilitate being able to deploy potentially "broken" functionality into production.

GTF takes the simplicity of trunk and applies some of the wisdom from gitflow, enabling GitOps via tags and enabling traceability of actions back to atomic commits. The principle is simple: you should always be able to trace back exactly what you deployed to production, within your git repository. This is not only common sense, but makes replicating production issues locally a less painful process.

When should I use git tag flow?

GTF is ideal for microservices, or solutions where the artefacts produced are 1-1 with the repositories. For example, if you maintain several repositories that each build a single docker image and maintain a deployment via another git repository, say via a docker-compose.yml file, then git-tag-flow is ideal.

GTF is not limited to container solutions of course.

Consider a classic web application with a REST-full backend, a Single Page Application (SPA) and infrastructure-as-code (IAC) definition that deploys to a cloud environment, each hosted in their own Git repository. Using git-tag-flow, the backend and front-end repositories will both produce their own distinct artefacts, the infrastructure-as-code deployment will deploy the vetted and versioned artefacts to the target estate.

It can also work with mono-repos, however it comes with some caveats which are likely already accepted regardless of workflow.



Single main (trunk) line of development. This is the only permanent branch, and should have controlled access.

short-lived branches that are used for working on various code types. These are left up to the discretion of the user, but some typical examples would be

  • feature/some-feature
  • bugfix/JIRA-1234
  • chore/update-changelog
  • thys/perhapsthisworks

For deployment repositories, an extra shortlived branch is required that is used to deploy your solution from, typically this is called staging/


Tags are used to trigger events within git-tag-flow. But it is up to you to decide what actions are performed when a tag is pushed to a repository.

Note Because of this requirement, a CICD solution is required that can be triggered from git tags

By convention, the base tag recommended is release/, this allows your build pipeline to be able to detect tags and allows you to use whatever follows the release/ stubb to control the flow of build events.

For example, given a frontend SPA application. Tagging the main branch with release/1.0.0 might cause your build pipeline to create a zip file artefact called spa-1.0.0.zip or perhaps build and push a docker image called spa:1.0.0 - it is up to you on how to react to these events. Some command scenarios are listed below.

For a deployment repository, things often get slightly more complicated due to the nature of maintaining multiple environments eg dev, test, qa & prod. A simple solution to this problem is to extend the tag to include an environment.

For example, release/dev/1.0.0 placed on the deployment repository would cause your build pipeline to deploy version 1.0.0 to the dev environment, assuming your pipeline is able to parse the tag values. This deployment repository also assumes that a manifest exists that defines the correct version of the SPA and backend components, like a docker-compose.yml file or VM cloud init script.

You can of course tailor the tag to contain whatever information you require, if this basic structure doesn't fit your needs. It's entirely up to you, as long as you can parse the structure and use it. Keep in mind that the purpose of a git tag, especially a release/ tag in GTF is mark when an event happen, so that you can trace a deployment back to your source code. Putting more than just 'facts' like environments etc in there, might make this traceability less deterministic.

Deployment and Service repositories

In a multi-repository setup, your typical setup might be a single git repository per service, which produces a single artefact, be that a docker image or other.

Multiple of these services would exist within a given solution and the combination of them communicating comprises what makes up a deployment.

Typically a single git repository exists that defines what versions of what services define a given release. In this document it is referred to as a deployment manifest but you can think of it as a simple docker-compose.yml , when using GTF with docker services. Of course it could also be much more complicated, depending on your release process.

Restrictions on Tag placement

Tags should always trigger a pipeline, regardless of where they are placed within version control. The reason for this is that managing multiple releases is a very real thing and the reason the deployment repository specifies a staging/ branch convention.

When managing multiple staging/ branches, release tags can be placed on any commit and ideally a deployment will occur. When managing a single release, then the release tag can be placed on the main branch with the same effect. It is however, good practice to place all releases within a staging/ branch so that pull requests (and pull request specific pipelines) can occur.

You might ask, "Why is staging/ the defacto name for a what is essentially a release branch". The answer is that naming a branch the same as a tag can cause confusion. For example, git checkout release/1.0.0: are we checking out a tag or branch here? For this reason staging/ is the branch name that is used to trigger a release, when the release/ tag is applied.

Interaction with changelogs

git-tag-flow doesn't believe in automatic generation of changelogs. Automatic generation of changelogs is not a deterministic action and changelogs should be managed by the developer, and treated as a change to the code base in which it lives.

That being said, there is nothing to stop you generating a changelog during a build event.


The following are scenarios that explain the typical actions that happen within a development lifecyle, when using tag flow. Within all the examples, it is assumed that a pipeline is present that is capable of triggering an action based on the presence of a tagged commit.

Feature Flow

The most basic and day to day flow does not differ from any other workflow. A developer or set of developers work in a seperate branch, say a feature/ branch that has been forked from the main branch at some point.

Where GTF comes into play is that users can, if they require, release their code and trigger a build of their service artefact by applying a release/ tag.

This is not the normal behaviour, and usually reserved for hot fix events, or similar. However it is possible.

The standard behaviour would be, developer codes feature in feature branch, then applies whatever merge strategy to merge into the master branch. Once a release is required/ready, then the main branch can be tagged with say release/1.0.0 to trigger a build of that service. This service artefact can then be referenced within a deployment manifest.

Feature Workflow

note for purists, who don't want to mess with the main branch, a temporary branch can be created to prep the release, apply the tag and merge into master. This is the way, if you have main branch permissions that don't allow direct interaction via a user.

Deploying to environment via tag

For reference, this particular build pipeline extract is for Azure Devops pipelines.

  - name: isMain
    value: $[eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')]
  - name: isReleaseTag
    value: $[startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/release/')]

      - release/*

  - script: |
        # removes the refs/tags/
        export GIT_TAG=${BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH:10} 
        export ENVIRONMENT=$(echo ${GIT_TAG} | cut --delimiter=/ -f2)
        export RELEASE_VERSION=$(echo ${GIT_TAG} | cut --delimiter=/ -f3)
        make -e deploy
    displayName: Deploy...
    condition: eq(variables.isReleaseTag, true)

Hot Fix

Say the current production deploy is 1.0.0. We have a multi repo solution, and the manifest looks similar to the following.

version: 1.0.0
        version: 2.0.0
        version: 2.1.0

In this scenario the frontend service requires a hotfix to the production deployment.

A developer working on the frontend will create a branch from release/2.0.0 to hotfix/fix-urgent-bug

Apply the fix and commit. Assuming testing is all good, then the new release for the frontend service can be triggered directly from the this branch by applying the tag, release/2.0.1, creating the new service artefact in the process.

Now, in the deployment repository, we branch from the current prod release tag release/prod/1.0.0 into a branch called staging/1.0.1. Notice the staging branch doesn't have an environment indicated, that's because with GTF any staging branch can potentially release to any environment - as long as your pipline is setup that way.

The deployment manfiest is updated to reflect the bump in the frontend service, 2.0.1 and production version bump.

version: 1.0.1
        version: 2.0.1

         version: 2.1.0

The commit is then tagged to be deployed to production via, release/prod/1.0.1 which triggers a production deployment with the new service.

The staging branchstaging/1.0.1, is then merged back into main branch.

HotFix Workflow

Managing multiple releases

There's no easy way to manage multiple releases without at least a little bit of pain. When you have 2 or more active releases, all in various states of being deployed to an environment, at some point all of the staging/ branches will need to be merged into the main branch. This process is straight forward if your release versioning is linear, but what if they aren't? At when it comes time to merge, you might lose the history of the deployment manifest.

Within a multi repo solution, say the current production deploy is 1.0.0 and the team is busy with a UAT cycle for an upcoming 2.0.0 release.

Consider a deployment manifest for the existing production deploy, version 1.0.0 that looks like this.

version: 1.0.0
        version: 2.0.0
        version: 2.1.0

For simplicities sake, the development team has been busy pushing ahead with a major release, and has bumped all the service versions up by a major version.

version: 2.0.0
        version: 3.0.0
        version: 3.0.0

A production bug is found within the version 1.0.0 release, which needs to be addressed. It's a significant bug, so will require some quick testing in a lower environment before being deployed to production.

Within the frontend service repository, a developer has created a fix and applied tag release/2.0.1, creating a new 2.0.1 version artefact in the process.

In the deployment repository, a branch is created from the release/prod/1.0.0 tag, called staging/1.0.x.

Note: The x is used in this case just to be clear that this branch could potentially release any patch level release. There is no reason not to lock it down to staging/1.0.1, but sometimes there can be multiple iterations before the bug is truely squashed.

The developer updates the manifest to use the new version of the frontend - 2.0.1.

version: 1.0.1
        version: 2.0.1
        version: 2.1.0

Once this and any other changes like changelogs are updated, then the change is committed and tagged for release to a test environment, release/test/1.0.1

Once the testing is approved, the same commit is tagged for release to production, release/prod/1.0.1 and merged.

Meanwhile, the other developers have been busy developing the next version of the production (v2.0.0) and have deployed to the uat environment several times.

Multiple Releases Workflow

The rule of thumb when managing multiple releases is that once a release is deployed to the highest environment, production. It should be merged to the main branch.

Container builds with latest and fixed version tags

Example of a general purpose build pipeline that can create a latest docker image or fix version depending on the build condition. For reference, this particular build pipeline extract is from Azure DevOps.

  - name: isMain
    value: $[eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')]
  - name: isReleaseTag
    value: $[startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/release/')]

      - release/*

  - script: |
        export DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=latest
        make -e docker-build
        make -e docker-push
    displayName: Build and Push Latest Image
    condition: or(eq(variables.isMain, true), eq(variables.isReleaseTag, true))

  - script: |
        # 18 characters == refs/tags/release/
        make -e docker-build
        make -e docker-push
    displayName: Build and Push Release Image
    condition: eq(variables.isReleaseTag, true)

Generate pdf for every release

In this scenario every release/ tag triggers the generation of pdf version of the project's README.md. We use github actions here as this is where the GTF repo is currently hosted.

name: Make pdf for every release
      - release/*
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - name: Check out markdown
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Create files list
        id: files_list
        run: |
          mkdir output
          echo "::set-output name=files::README.md"
      - name: Get release version
        id: release_version
        run: |
          echo "::set-output name=release_version::$(echo ${{ github.ref }} | cut --delimiter=/ -f4)"
      - name: Convert to pdf
        uses: docker://pandoc/latex:2.14.2
          args: >- 
            --output=output/gtf-${{ steps.release_version.outputs.release_version }}.pdf
            ${{ steps.files_list.outputs.files }}
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2.2.4
          name: gtf-${{ steps.release_version.outputs.release_version }}.pdf
          path: output/gtf-${{ steps.release_version.outputs.release_version }}.pdf


Git-Tag-Flow can work with mono-repos, however there are reasons why a mono repo might not always be a good choice.

This is just an example to mimic the multi-repository setup as much as possible. There could be any number of ways to achieve the same outcome.

Consider the following monorepo structure. It contains the services frontend and backend, a deploy folder containing something that represents a deployment manifest.


With a multi-repo structure, each of the services would be within their own repository, so releasing a new build of the service is a matter of applying a simple tag like release/1.0.0. In the monorepo world, we can't apply this without assuming that all services are to be released at the same time, with the same version number.

To move around this limitation, introduce an extra segment into the release tag structure to differentiate. Following on from the above example, to release a new version of the frontend service, you would apply the tag release/frontend/1.0.0. Similarly for the backend service.

Your pipeline that reacts to this tag being applied obviously needs to be able to build accordingly, based on what service has been requested in the tag. This shouldn't be a problem, since this is exactly what is required when performing a deployment - at least in the multi-repo scenario.

Note how in this examplem the service in this case matches the service folder name, this would make it very easy to create a generic pipeline that builds any service within a matched direction.

So we can now build our services within the mono-repo independently, however we now have a problem when we want to release. Traditionally with GTF, we would tag the deployment repository with a tag like release/prod/1.0.0 to indicate that we want to deploy the specific versions of the services to production. This tag structure, unfortunately, conflicts with the new structure for releasing an artefact of a given service, so we need to adapt.

There's a few ways we could do this, we could naively adjust our pipeline to only look for pre-canned service folders specified within the release/ tag, but this wouldn't scale as we'd have to constantly update the pipeline as you add new services. You could simply change your pipeline to react differently if the "deploy" folder is detected within the release/ tag, ie release/deploy/1.0.0. This would work well, but could look confusing when looking through git history. Finally you could change the prefix of a deployment specific release/ tag from release/ to deploy/ and keep the structure the same and at the same time be completely specific about what is a deployment and what is a build.

Monorepo hotfix scenario

Given all the above, a hotfix scenario in a mono-repo would be as follows.

Assume the current production release is the following deployment-manifest, which is defined (somehow) within the deploy folder of the repo. Also assume for arguments sake that the chosen tag used to deploy this release was deploy/prod/1.0.0 and that the release tags to build the service artefacts where release/frontend/2.0.0 and release/backendfrontend/2.1.0.

version: 1.0.0
        version: 2.0.0
        version: 2.1.0

A hotfix is required within the frontend service, so the developer follows the standard procedure and branches from the release/frontend/2.0.0 tag into a branch called hotfix/fix-critical-bug.

Like the multi-repo hotfix scenario, the fix is significant so a quick test environment deployment is required before it can go to production.

The developer fixes the code in the hotfix branch and commits the code. They then apply a release tag, to build the service so that it can be deployed. release/frontend/2.0.1.

After the build is finished and the artefact exists, the deployment can begin.

The developer creates a staging branch, forked from the existing deployment tag, deploy/prod/1.0.0, calling it staging/1.0.1. The developer edits the deployment manifest to indicate the new version of the frontend service is required. They also bump the version of the release to 1.0.1 - indicating a bugfix in the semantic versioning world.

version: 1.0.1
        version: 2.0.1
        version: 2.1.0

The developer wants to deploy to test, so the tag deploy/test/1.0.1 is applied to the commit and pushed to trigger the deployment pipeline. After the fix has been tested, the developer can now apply and push the production tag, deploy/prod/1.0.1 to the same commit.

After the deployment is complete and confirmed in production, the hotfix branch is merged into the main branch, followed by the staging/ branch. While all this is happening every other dev continues as per normal.

The following diagram illustrates the process.

Mono Repo Workflow

It would be expected in this case that the CICD solution would create the frontend and backend artifacts, before the deployment procedure is called. This might result in two artifacts, frontend-2.0.1.zip and backend-2.1.0.zip, or similar with docker images frontend:2.0.1 and backend:2.1.0. The point is, they must exist before a deployment can occur - because a build and deployment are two distinct actions.

An example pipeline build in this example that would be a deploy a set of artefacts when triggered after a deploy/ tag is detected.

  - name: isDeployTag
    value: $[startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/deploy/')]

      - release/*

  - script: |
        # removes the refs/tags/
        export GIT_TAG=${BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH:10} 
        export ENVIRONMENT=$(echo ${GIT_TAG} | cut --delimiter=/ -f2)
        export RELEASE_VERSION=$(echo ${GIT_TAG} | cut --delimiter=/ -f3)
        make -e deploy
    displayName: Deploy...
    condition: eq(variables.isDeployTag, true)

This pipeline could easily be extended to provide continuous deployment to a development server. For this, any change to the main branch could trigger a deployment and/or run CI tests.

Best Practices

Abstract pipeline code where possible into easier to run scripts/make targets.

This isn't specific to git-tag-flow, but a good practice is to encapsulate as much as you can into scripts that can be run externally, not just within your pipelines.

There will be times when you need to deploy manually, you don't want to be trying to recreate your pipeline logic in your developer environment in a pressure situation.

Another good reason to apply this logic, is that pipelines come and go, as does git hosting. Not being locked into a particular vendor can be a good thing.

Alternatives to the default, release/ tag and staging/ branch names

There's no firm rules around the tag and branching names for feature, bugfix, hotfix and chore ephemeral branches. That is left completely up to the developer. The only suggested branches and tag names are the release/ tag and staging/ branch.

Some alternatives are to the above are deploy/ tag and release/ branch, it is entirely up to you and what makes sense for your situation. However you should ask yourself, does the verb and noun makes sense when it is applied to the tag and branch?

This is especially true when using GTF with mono-repos.

Embrace Fast Forward merge commits

When using staging/ branches within your deployment repository, if you apply multiple release/ tags within that branch, then rebasing and squashing becomes hard, because you would lose the commits that those tags are attached to. For this reason, embrace merge commits and keep all that history.

The same can't be said for your service repositories. If you aren't triggering builds from your feature/bugfix/hotfix branches, then there is no reason why you can't keep your commit history lean-and-mean. Rebase and squash is your friend here.