
Primary LanguageJavaScript




If not installed already, do sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev. Next get rvm with: gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 followed by curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable. Close and reopen the terminal, then invoke source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm and rvm install 2.3 (user may need to be in sudoers list for this step). Grab bundler with gem install bundler, change to the app directory and do bundle install.


To create the database, open MySQL and do CREATE DATABASE eventstat. Set up the user for the main script as follows: CREATE USER 'eventstat'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret'; and GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on eventstat.* to 'eventstat'@'localhost' Open a new terminal to cp settings.rb.example settings.rb, then install the database structure with ruby db/schema.rb


From the app folder, do mkdir logs && touch logs/error.log && touch logs/eventstat.txt

Web server

There are many ways to set up the server, for example as a standalone Thin server or as a Phusion Passenger. For local testing, ruby webserver.rb should start it on port 5100.

Design (WIP)

Event attributes:

subcategory_id: value can refer to either internal or district subcategory. aggregated_subcategory_id: Only set when subcategory is an instance of DsitrictSubcategory. As with category_id, it's redundant, but code-saving. district_category_id: category_id: This value is inferred from subcategory_id and event_type. Strictly speaking, it might be somewhat redundant, but having it allows for clearer code elsewhere in the system. marked_for_deletion: true means event is excluded from statistics results and will be deleted during next locking phase (only superuser can delete directly) is_locked: locked events can only be altered by superuser added_after_lock: non-vital attribute, intended for monitoring how many events are added to a period after it was locked.