
Simple crypto helpers for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION


Simple crypto helpers for Elixir. Supports both the old and the new :crypto API (from OTP22).


The package can be installed by adding simple_crypto to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:simple_crypto, "~> 1.0.9"}]

Basic Usage

iex(1)> SimpleCrypto.encrypt("Hi there", "secret key")

iex(2)> SimpleCrypto.decrypt("qCgs4rfReY5nTX39uHwjww==", "secret key")
"Hi there"

iex(3)> SimpleCrypto.sha256("Turn me into SHA256")

iex> SimpleCrypto.sha256_base64("Turn me into base64-encoded SHA256")

iex(4)> SimpleCrypto.hmac("HMAC me now!", "secret key")

iex> SimpleCrypto.hmac_base64("HMAC and base64 me now!", "secret key")

iex(5)> SimpleCrypto.rand_str(32)

iex(6)> SimpleCrypto.rand_int_str(6)

iex(7)> SimpleCrypto.otp_rand_str(16)

iex(8)> SimpleCrypto.id_rand_str(12)

iex(9)> SimpleCrypto.pad_by_width("The length of this string is 76 before padding, 4 less than a multiple of 16", 16, ".")
"The length of this string is 76 before padding, 4 less than a multiple of 16...."

Full documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/simple_crypto.