
/me is trying to get a job ar revolgy, let's see

Primary LanguageHCL

Revolgy homework

This app give you a fortune! All you need is a http call to a rest endpoint.

In return, you get a fortune. It is an Unix Fortune, no money, sorry, but still a fortune! That counts.

The app is deployed on AWS. There is a postgres db running thanks to RDS. A lambda function query the DB to pick a very random (guaranteed!) fortune for you. And all of that is glued together with AWS API Gateway, which provides the REST magic you can call. Curl is your friend, see examples.


Everything is described using terraform code.

Each change pushed to the master brach is automatically applied to AWS using Github Action CI/CD flow.

RDS / Postgres


CREATE TABLE fortunky (
    fortunka_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    fortunka_type VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    fortunka_text TEXT NOT NULL

IAM authentication is used to access database from the lambda function.

CREATE USER lambda_user;
GRANT rds_iam TO lambda_user;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE fortunky TO lambda_user;


I need a postgresql library for Python to access the Postgresql db running on RDS. It is not included in the default python AWS Lambda runtime, so there is a custom made lambda layer, which contains the needed library. See:

cd get_fortune_lambda
docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task "lambci/lambda:build-python3.8" /bin/sh -c "pip install -r requirements.txt -t python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/; exit"
zip -r get_fortune_lambda_libs.zip python > /dev/null

Terraform is going to take the file and use it to create the layer.


The lambda function code is deployed to AWS every time you push a change to master branch.

Loading fortunes to DB

There is a bash script prepare_fortunes.sh that takes fortune file and makes a SQL file from it, with INSERT statement pushing it to the DB.

Then you ran it against the DB host like this:

psql --host=$RDS_HOST --username=$RDS_USER -d fortunky -a -f insert.sql


Get yourself a random fortune:

(probably doesn't work at the time, as it is not deployed, sorry)

curl -X POST https://dn1yihpqn0.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/fortune


  • ✔️ CI/CD using GitHub Actions
  • ✔️ tf state on s3
  • ✔️ AWS Cognito integration
  • selecting type of a fortune using request parameter
  • feeding fortunes into the RDS using a fargate task and source files sitting on S3, hope I'll have enough time
  • custom domain for API Gateway
  • error states handling
    • db doesn't exist
    • db is empty
  • let tf to provision DB and privileges (?)