
puppet module for configuring rackmonkey, also includes a specfile for an rpm


This puppet module can be used to install and configure rackmonkey a rack inventory management app.

Easy puppet installation instructions
You'll need to build the rpm and put it somewhere that puppet can find it with your appropriate provider.
Optionally you can fake it out and install it manually, but what fun is that.

Edit manifests/variables.pp to suite your environment.

From the cloned module directory;
# puppet  --verbose --modulepath $(dirname $(pwd)) install.pp
This will initialize the db

Database initialization

By default the database type is sqlite.

[Untested configurations]
Mysql caveats
  - root can run mysqladmin/mysql commands without a password
  - mysql is on the same machine

Postgres caveats
  - postgresql is on the same machine

test mysql and postgres
test package installations
packaged unit tests
currently nothing triggers the postgres or mysql execs to run