~/.vimrc is symlinked to vimrc
Most of my local configurations and simple ftdetect/plugin stuff is located in normal vim places, not as bundles.
The only plugin I really have installed in normal vim is pathogen, everything else is a bundle.
- Align
- auto align blocks of text on arbitrary delimiters (useful for fat commas)
- VisIncr
- select a column and visual increment based on the starting number
- eteSkeleton
- templates for new files with token interpolation
- gitolite.vim
- nerdcommenter
- smartly comment files based on filetype
- nerdtree
- navigate trees -- don't really use this much
- snipmate.vim
- tab complete snippets of code
- supertab
- tab complete EVERYTHING - I mainly just use this for completing things in the existing file
- syntastic
- syntax checker for any language
- taglist.vim
- ctag stuff - generates a list of tags in a window
- vim-dnstools
- never edit a serial number again
- vim-fugitive
- git integration in vim
- vim-repeat
- repeat on visual selection
- vim-surround
- surround movements with things, great to add " or {} around blocks or words or whatever