
Jeff Schnitzer's Blog

Jeff Schnitzer's Blog

For an explanation of why there is a blog here, see GitHub's wiki makes a pretty decent blogging platform.

Date Title
2024-01-08 Java Logging on Google Cloud Platform
2023-10-30 How to (and how not to) design REST APIs
2023-09-08 Intercom is a terrible Mailchimp. So is Mailchimp.
2021-05-19 Proof-Of-Stake Wears No Clothes
2017-03-29 Opinionated Comparison of React, Angular2, and Aurelia
2017-03-12 GitHub's wiki makes a pretty decent blogging platform
2015-06-06 Tech company fail: Cover
2015-06-06 Tech company fail: Lyft
2015-01-07 Guice and Jersey 2, the easy way
2015-01-06 "TDD is dead", he said
2015-01-06 GWizard, like Dropwizard but Guicier
2013-05-01 JSOG: Encode complex object graphs in JSON
2012-08-20 Beware cutesy two-letter TLDs for your domain name
2012-04-27 Joy of Python
2012-03-30 SSL for your domain on Google App Engine
2011-12-26 The Facebook Platform Is A Trainwreck, Example #871
2011-09-09 The Unofficial Google App Engine Price Change FAQ
2011-07-18 Motomapia
2011-07-12 How To Build An Online Dating Site, Part 2
2011-06-17 How To Build An Online Dating Site, Part 1
2011-05-23 What Is Similarity?
2006-05-02 The Oracle Speaks
2006-24-04 Another reason to love open source