
Rollbar library for Java that works on Google App Engine

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Rollbar For Google App Engine

The provided java Rollbar libraries are tied to log4j or logback and don't work on Google App Engine. This library works on GAE by wrapping and overriding behavior in tapstream's rollbar-logback library.

The library provides a filter; any exceptions which pass up through this filter will be sent to Rollbar as an error. Unlike the logback or log4j libraries, this library does not send arbitrary log messages to Rollbar - that does not appear to be possible with Google's logging system. However, this is "good enough" for most purposes.

Source code



This plugin is available in Maven Central:

	<version>please look up latest version</version>

It can be downloaded directly from [http://search.maven.org/]


If you're using Guice, bind a NotifyBuilder and a Queue:

public NotifyBuilder notifyBuilder() throws UnknownHostException {
	return new NotifyBuilder("your server access token", "production", null);

@Provides @Rollbar	// note the qualifier
public Queue queue() {
	return QueueFactory.getQueue("rollbar");

If you are not using Guice, subclass AppengineRollbarFilter and give it a default constructor:

public class MyRollbarFilter extends AppengineRollebarFilter {
	public MyRollbarFilter() {
			new MessageBuilder(new NotifyBuilder("your server access token", "production", null)),

Then install the filter. Any exceptions which bubble up through this filter will be sent to Rollbar.



This software is provided under the MIT license