
A easy-to-edit portfolio site for artists, designers, and technologists.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Edit Shop

The shop pulls products, product images, prices, inventory etc. from a Shopify store.

Menu Options:
Shops on this site are organized by the Shopify product type. Set that field in Shopify on the products, and the menu will be auto-generated.

Shop Item Order:
The shop order is now set to newest products first. It accounts for when the product was created, not edited.

Checkout takes shoppers to a Shopify checkout flow, where they will enter credit card, shipping, etc. Purchases and notifications are handled through Shopify.

Edit Design

There is a lot to customize! Use the Airtable to edit backgrounds, colors, icons, and text content. With all of the airtable edits, it will take about 10 seconds to update on the site. Go back to the site and refresh!

Updating colors:
Use a valid hexadecimal format eg #ffffff.

Updating FAQ:
Add questions and answers as a new row in the FAQ tab

Updating About Text, Email, Instagram:
See the About tab

Updating Favicon:
See the About tab
The favicon is the icon that appears in the browser tab For ease of customization, I set it up to use emojis. You can find new emojis to copy/paste here: https://emojipedia.org/

Edit Code

This code can be edited directly here, in Github. When changes are commited, a Github Action will redeploy the live site.
This is only reccomended for CSS!

For further development on your local machine,

  • This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
  • In the project directory, you can run: npm start
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
  • Use git to commit the code.


This site is hosted for free using Github pages. Go to settings > pages for more information.