Demo Repository for a presentation at the University of Passau
- Everything in this repository is aimed to run on localhost, you don't need a separate server to try out anything mentioned in the demo
- The shell scripts are a documentation for how certain commands can/should be executed
- The slides are built with marp and always provide a short introduction
into the topics before trying it out in a demo, following topics are included:
- What is Docker / building & running Docker containers
- Orchestrating Docker Containers with Kubernetes
- Introducing GitOps to manage applications running in Kubernetes
Warning: the examples are intentially kept simple, don't deploy on publically available environments
Especially: don't use the example ArgoCD configuration in a publically available environment, it is not configured in a secure way. If you want to use ArgoCD in public environments you will need:
- Secret Management (don't put real credentials into plain Kubernetes secrets, use Sealed Secrets, or HashiCorp Vault instead)
- Proper SSL Certificates (e.g. cert-manager configured with letsencrypt) + ExternalDNS
- A disabled admin user + proper RBAC Configuration
- Some kind of monitoring, to see when things go bad