
A Gradle plugin for Capsule, the packaging and deployment tool for JVM apps.

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT


Version Capsule Version

A Gradle plugin for Capsule, the packaging and deployment tool for JVM apps.

Capsule allows you to package your app and it's dependencies into a single jar for easy and efficient deployment.

This readme assumes some familiarity with the Capsule project.

Adding the Plugin

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'us.kirchmeier:gradle-capsule-plugin:0.8.0'

apply plugin: 'us.kirchmeier.capsule'

Quick Start

A FatCapsule embeds your application and all dependencies into one jar.

A ThinCapsule contains your application and will download your dependencies on startup.

The Capsule task type is the core capsule provider and comes with almost no defaults. You may use it to create an "empty capsule" that will download your entire application from a maven repository on startup.

task fatCapsule(type: FatCapsule) {
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'

task thinCapsule(type: ThinCapsule) {
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'

task emptyCapsule(type: Capsule) {
  application 'com.foo:CoolCalculator:LATEST'


The Capsule tasks are all extentions upon the Jar task, with some additional configuration options available.

To build a capsule, one of the following properties must be defined:

  • applicationClass - The Main class
  • application - A maven dependency containing a main class
  • capsuleManifest.unixScript - A startup script for unix machines
  • capsuleManifest.windowsScript - A startup script for windows machines

Task Defaults

By default, all capsules have the 'capsule' classifier and use the main implementation of the capsule library.

FatCapsule and ThinCapsule are task types which provide reasonable behavior with minimal configuration. Aside from these default values, there is no distinction between them and the base Capsule task type.

task fatCapsuleDefaults(type:FatCapsule){
  // Include the application's jar in the capsule
  applicationSource jar

  // Embed all runtime dependencies
  embedConfiguration = configurations.runtime

  // Limit the capsule library, since the dependencies are embedded
  capsuleFilter = { include 'Capsule.class' }

task thinCapsuleDefaults(type:ThinCapsule){
  // Include the application source in the capsule
  applicationSource sourceSets.main.outputs

  capsuleManifest {
    // Add all runtime dependencies as downloadable dependencies
    dependencyConfiguration = configurations.runtime

Manifest Options

capsuleManifest is a helper for defining the properties for configuring the capsule. It is an instance of the CapsuleManifest class.

Please refer to the source file for a list of all possible properties. Refer to the Capsule documentation for documentation on the properties.

task myCapsule(type:ThinCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'

  capsuleManifest.systemProperties = ['java.awt.headless': true]
  capsuleManifest {
    repositories << 'jcenter'

Application Source

applicationSource defines how the application is brought into the capsule.

It is passed directly into a from(...) on the underlying implementation, so it may be a task, file, sourceset or more.

task myCapsule(type:FatCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.FancyCalculator'
  applicationSource myFancyJar

Embedding Jars

embedConfiguration defines which configuration contains the dependencies to embed.

task myCapsule(type:FatCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.FancyCalculator'
  embedConfiguration configurations.runtime

Downloadable Dependencies

capsuleManifest.dependencyConfiguration defines which configuration contains the dependencies to download on startup.

capsuleManifest.dependencies is a list of strings which are also downloaded on startup. You may use this if you have a dependency you don't need gradle to care about.

task myCapsule(type:ThinCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.BeautifulCalculator'
  capsuleManifest {
    dependencyConfiguration configurations.runtime
    dependencies << 'log4j:log4j:1.2.17'

"Really Executable" Capsules

reallyExecutable will make a capsule executable as a script in unix environments. You may read more in the capsule documentation.

reallyExecutable.regular() is the default and uses a plan execution script. reallyExecutable.trampoline() will use the trompoline script. reallyExecutable.script(file) may be set to define your own script.

task executableCapsule(type:FatCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'
  reallyExecutable //implies regular()

task trampolineCapsule(type:ThinCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'
  reallyExecutable { trampoline() }

task myExecutableCapsule(type:FatCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'
  reallyExecutable {
    script file('my_script.sh')

Changing the capsule implementation

For advanced usage, capsuleConfiguration and capsuleFilter control where the capsule implementation comes from. You may override them to change implementations, or set them to null and provide your own implemntation somehow else. If you override these, you should also change the capsuleManifest.mainClass property.

By default for all Capsule types, capsuleConfiguration is set to configurations.capsule, which is provided by this plugin.

configurations {

dependencies {
  myCapsule 'com.foo:MyCapsuleImplementation:0.8'

task myCapsule(type: ThinCapsule){
  applicationClass 'com.foo.CoolCalculator'
  capsuleConfiguration configurations.myCapsule