
Thrift java library with immutable objects and dynamic descriptor loading.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Providence Serialization

The providence project was made in order to make an immutable model java library for thrift. It is mostly separate from the thrift library, but can use the standard thrift protocols to serialize and serialize messages. It is mainly based on the Facebook / Apache thrift library, but with some differences and limitations.


In order to compile thrift-j2, you need java and javac (I recommend openjdk8-jdk), and maven (3.3). Check out git@github.com:morimekta/providence.git and build with mvn clean compile.


Documentation for the various parts and modules.

And documentation of the wire-formats

Old documentation (Out of date)

  • DEPRECATED: Compact binary format. This was the first binary format made for providence. It is not compatible with anything special, and is neither very compact, not especially fast. It is the one currently handled by PBinarySerializer.
  • Testing read & write speed. Testing data used during development to ensure the speed was up to standard with the original thrift library.

And additionally:

  • The release process. This is mostly to compensate for my own bad memory.

Differences with Thrift

providence is not exactly like thrift. The differences are mostly minute, but all feature changes are there for a reason. Differences are based on the IDL at thrift.apache.org.

Alterations to thrift IDL

Constant data syntax has to follow JSON syntax. So ',' are mandatory in list item separation, '"' is only string literal char. Exception is that map keys can be the actual value. Enum values cannot be used as a generic "number" reference in constants, only to set the enum value itself.

Fields with conflicting but differing names are explicitly disallowed. E.g. "my_field" and "myField" is considered conflicting because they would generate the same names when c_casing or camelCasing the name.

Added support

There are also extra features added that the original Apache Thrift format does not support, or is only supported on very limited cases.

Circular containment

Circular containment is explicitly supported as long as the entire circle is contained within the same thrift definition file. E.g.:

  • struct A contains struct B contains struct A. See calculator.thrift. struct Operation contains union Operand contains struct Operation.

This makes model structures like the calculator possible. Since the model objects are immutable and created with builders, it is not possible to create a circular instance containment.

Compact Messages

A struct may be defined as compact. A compact struct must adhere to the compact criteria:

  • Only structs may be compact (not union or exception).
  • May have a maximum of 10 fields.
  • Fields must be numbered 1 .. N.
  • A required field may not come after an optional field.
  • For the 'compact' serialization to take effect, the first M fields must be set, and no other fields may be set. E.g.:
    • If 1, 2 abd 3 are set, and 4, 5 are not set, then compact is used.
    • If 1, 2 and 4 are set, and 3, 5 are not set, compact is not used.

When the compact struct is serialized the serializer may choose to use a different serialization format that serializes the first M fields of the struct in order. E.g. in JSON a compact struct may be serialized as an array if (and only if).

Messages will have a isCompact() method that determines if the message is compact compatible for serialization. Descriptors will have a similar compactible() method which determines if the message can be deserialized with the compact format.

This mimics the way thrift serializes service method calls, but in a way that is generic to all messages.

To annotate a struct as compact, add the @compact annotation to the struct comment. This will still allow thrift compiler to parse the .thrift files.

Simple Messages.

A simple message is one that does not contain nested structures, e.g. no containers, and no internal messages. Simple messages is easier to use as map keys, and some serialization formats may require that map key messages to be simple. Note that the simple definition is on the type, not the message.

Reserved words.

Each format should make getters, setters and mutators, field names etc that are compatible with the language using prefixes, suffixes and name modifications. E.g. the field name 'public' should be allowed for all languages, oncluding java and C++ where it is a reserved word.

In Java:

  • field names are prefixed with 'm'. E.g. 'my_field' becomes mMyField.
  • getters and setters are prefixed with 'set', 'addTo', 'get', 'clear', 'has' and 'num'. respectively.

Or in C++ or python

  • field names are suffixed with '_'. E.g. 'my_field' becomes 'my_field_'.
  • getters and setters are prefixed with 'set_', 'get_', 'mutable_', 'clear_' 'add_to_', 'has_' and 'num_'.
  • This breaks the convention that getters should not have any prefix or suffix.

Removed support

*_namespace keywords are not supported. Use namespace php [package] instead for php. XSD is AFAIK a facebook specific namespace, which is also not supported.

None of the facebook specific modifiers are supported. They are also removed from keyword lists (xsd_nullable, xsd_optional). Any extra annotations has to be part of the comments.


Clone this project, and create a pull request for your change.

Make sure to name it properly, and describe chat the change does, and assign the request to morimekta. That should send me an email, so I know it's there and take care of it.