
Substrate Grid - Hyperledger Grid on Parity Substrate

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Substrate Grid   build rustc license

Substrate Grid is an exploration into re-implementing parts of the Hyperledger Grid project onto the Parity Substrate technology.

Hyperledger Grid is a platform for building supply chain solutions that include distributed ledger components. The project provides a set of modular components for developing smart contracts and client interfaces, including domain-specific data models (such as GS1 product definitions), smart-contract business logic, libraries, and SDKs.

Substrate Grid differs (for now) from the original implementation on the following points:

  • It strives to use native Substrate data formats & libraries as much as possible (e.g. Parity Codec vs Google Protobuf).
  • The Pike, Schema and Track&Trace contracts are re-implemented as Substrate Runtime Modules, instead of Wasm contracts.
  • The Substrate WASM runtime is leveraged as-is, no attempt is made (for now) to re-implement Hyperledger Sawtooth and Sawtooth Sabre on top of Substrate (if that makes any sense ..).
  • The original implementation tends to store a lot of String data on-chain. While this is a design decision that can be debatted, and is generally frowned upon, Substrate Grid retains some of those to remain somewhat faithfull to the original design, but otherwise offload most of the data off-chain.

Todos / Improvements

  • Pike: implement update_org & update_agent transaction types.
  • Schema: implement missing validations & permission checks, and schema update.
  • Product and Track&Trace contracts: todo, not started yet.
  • Storage: Avoid using Vec as key in maps, used u32 indexed lists instead.
  • Storage: Offload unnecessary on-chain storage to either DID claims or decentralized storage (e.g. IPFS).
  • Substrate: Integration with existing governance-related Sustrate runtime modules into Grid Pike's features (mgmt of the consortium's organizations & agents).
  • Sawtooth: Investigate full port of Sawtooth / Sabre as alternative runtime storage, so that the Hyperledger Grid contracts can run as-is, avoiding a re-implementation (and tedious work for keeping in sync).


Install Rust:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Install required tools:


Build the WebAssembly binary:


Build all native code:

cargo build


Run tests for the Pike & Schema modules:

cargo test -p grid-runtime grid_pike
cargo test -p grid-runtime grid_schema


Note: this project is based on the Substrate Node template.

You can start a development chain with:

cargo run -- --dev

Detailed logs may be shown by running the node with the following environment variables set: RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run -- --dev.

If you want to see the multi-node consensus algorithm in action locally, then you can create a local testnet with two validator nodes for Alice and Bob, who are the initial authorities of the genesis chain that have been endowed with testnet units. Give each node a name and expose them so they are listed on the Polkadot telemetry site. You'll need two terminal windows open.

We'll start Alice's substrate node first on default TCP port 30333 with her chain database stored locally at /tmp/alice. The bootnode ID of her node is QmQZ8TjTqeDj3ciwr93EJ95hxfDsb9pEYDizUAbWpigtQN, which is generated from the --node-key value that we specify below:

cargo run -- \
  --base-path /tmp/alice \
  --chain=local \
  --alice \
  --node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \
  --telemetry-url ws://telemetry.polkadot.io:1024 \

In the second terminal, we'll start Bob's substrate node on a different TCP port of 30334, and with his chain database stored locally at /tmp/bob. We'll specify a value for the --bootnodes option that will connect his node to Alice's bootnode ID on TCP port 30333:

cargo run -- \
  --base-path /tmp/bob \
  --bootnodes /ip4/ \
  --chain=local \
  --bob \
  --port 30334 \
  --telemetry-url ws://telemetry.polkadot.io:1024 \

Additional CLI usage options are available and may be shown by running cargo run -- --help.

Test with Substrate UI

Once a local node is running, open the Substrate UI in your browser.

Then, in the Settings section:

  • Developer tab: Paste the content of the type_defs.json file in the text area, and Save. This will ensure Substrate UI is able to recognize the custom types of our custom Substrate Runtime modules.
  • General tab: select the Local Node in the list.

If configured correctly, the Substrate UI should display several UI components in the sidebar such as Explorer, Accounts, Address book among others.

Creation of an organization & agent in the Extrinsics tab:

  • Create an organization
    • Select the gridPike module and createOrg function
    • Specify an organization ID and name in hexadecimal formats (e.g. 0x67726964 for 'grid' in ASCII characters).
    • Click on the Submit Transaction button.
    • If all goes well, the transaction is mined in a block, and the chain state is mutated.
  • Create an admin agent
    • Select the gridPike module and createAgent function
    • Specify the ID of the previously created organization (in hexa).
    • Choose an account in the list e.g. ALICE in the dev chain.
    • Choose whether the agent should be active or not.
    • Optionally assign one or more role(s) to the agent (role name in hexa).
    • Click on the Submit Transaction button.
    • If all goes well, the transaction is mined in a block, and the chain state is mutated.
  • Verify that the organization & agent were stored on-chain, using the Chain state tab
    • Select the gridPike module, then call the agents and organizations immutable functions (and optionnally the role-related ones) to verify that the organization & agent were indeed recorded.


The Substrate Node template is is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Please read the UNLICENSE file in this repository for more information.

The Substrate Grid runtime is licensed under the MIT license. Please read the MIT_LICENSE file in this repository for more information.