
case sensitive string replacement on streams

Primary LanguageRust


Replace an identifier and all "variants" of it (e.g. camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, kebab-case, TITLE_CASE, etc.) with a different identifier and all "variants" of it.

$ echo "hello_world helloWorld" | replace-sensitive hello_world hi_world
hi_world hiWorld

When an identifier only has one "token", it works just like sed, so

$ replace-sensitive hello hi

is equivalent to

$ sed -e "s/hello/hi/g"


$ replace_sensitive hello_world hi_world

is like

$ sed -e "s/hello_world/hi_world/g" | 
    sed -e "s/Hello_World/Hi_World/g" |
    sed -e "s/HELLO_WORLD/HI_WORLD/g" |
    sed -e "s/HelloWorld/HiWorld/g" |
    sed -e "s/helloWorld/hiWorld/g" |
    sed -e "s/hello-world/hi-world/g"

All string replacement is streaming so replace-sensitve is safe to use in the unix filter style, just like sed.