Markup display for JUCE - Barely a Markup Language
Introducing BarelyML, the markup language nobody asked for but you're getting anyway! When I realized that just implementing a Markdown display for JUCE apps would not give me the flexibility I needed, I combined my favourite features from different markup languages (e.g. the headers from Markdown and the tables from DokuWiki) and added a simple coloring scheme on top.
As a plus, BarelyMLDisplay can convert simple Markdown, DokuWiki, and AsciiDoc content to its own syntax on the fly, and comes with a handy interactive demo project (as a PIP => just drag BarelyMLDemo.h onto a Projucer window).
- Fixes a bug where AsciiDoc link labels with spaces in them are not recognized
- Improves BarelyML <--> Markdown conversion
- Adds custom colour scheme and non-standard font to BarelyMLDemo
- Improves drawing of text blocks
- Comes now with an interactice demo (as a PIP for the Projucer)
- Fixes a bug where text may be not displayed (see JUCE Forum)
- Removed juce namespace from BarelyML.h
- Added conversion methods for DokuWiki and AsciiDoc
- initial release
Licensed under the MIT license, in the hope it will be useful to as many people as possible.