Server-side driver library for MongoDb implemented in pure Dart.
Db db = new Db("mongodb://localhost:27017/mongo_dart-blog");
Method find
returns stream of maps and accept query parameters, usually build by fluent API query builder
provided by mongo_dart_query as top level getter where
var coll = db.collection('user');
await coll.find("age", 18)).toList();
await coll
.find("my_field", 995).sortBy('my_field'))
.forEach((v) => print(v));
await coll.find(where.sortBy('itemId').skip(300).limit(25)).toList();
Method findOne
take the same parameter and returns Future
of just one map (mongo document)
val = await coll.findOne(where.eq("my_field", 17).fields(['str_field','my_field']));
Take notice in these samples that unlike mongo shell such parameters as projection (fields
), limit
and skip
are passed as part of regular query through query builder
await usersCollection.insertAll([
{'login': 'jdoe', 'name': 'John Doe', 'email': ''},
{'login': 'lsmith', 'name': 'Lucy Smith', 'email': ''}
You can update whole document with method save
var v1 = await coll.findOne({"name": "c"});
v1["value"] = 31;
or you can perform field level updates with method update
and top level getter modify
for ModifierBuilder fluent API
coll.update(where.eq('name', 'Daniel Robinson'), modify.set('age', 31));
/// or, to remove all documents from collection
Simple app on base of [JSON ZIPS dataset] (
import 'package:mongo_dart/mongo_dart.dart';
main() async {
void displayZip(Map zip) {
'state: ${zip["state"]}, city: ${zip["city"]}, zip: ${zip["id"]}, population: ${zip["pop"]}');
Db db =
new Db("mongodb://");
var zips = db.collection('zip');
******************** Zips for state NY, with population between 14000 and 16000,
******************** reverse ordered by population''');
await zips
.eq('state', 'NY')
.inRange('pop', 14000, 16000)
.sortBy('pop', descending: true))
print('\n******************** Find ZIP for code 78829 (BATESVILLE)');
var batesville = await zips.findOne(where.eq('id', '78829'));
print('******************** Find 10 ZIP closest to BATESVILLE');
await zips
.find(where.near('loc', batesville["loc"]).limit(10))
print('closing db');
await db.close();
For more structured approach to communication with MongoDB: Objectory
Checkout redstone_mapper_mongo for easy transformations between Mongo Dart Maps <==> Objects <==> JSON Strings, and integrations with the redstone server framework.