
AppDeck is a mobile hybrid application engine for iOS and Android.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

AppDeck iOS/Android application library

Last Version: 1.7.2


AppDeck is a mobile hybrid application engine for iOS and Android.


AppDeck can be view as a framework like JQuery Mobile writen in native code instead of Javascript.

AppDeck still use HTML5 for page rendering, but everything else is in native code: Menu, Scroll, network, Photo Browser ...

You will find two version of AppDeck, one for iOS and one for Android.


AppDeck for iOS

  • You must have a Mac with xCode installed: it's free, you can install it using App Store.

AppDeck for Android

  • Android Studio: http://developer.android.com/sdk/
  • PHP: When you build your app, a php script will be use to embed ressources into your app. On Mac php is already installed by default. On linux you can use your build in packgage system (Ex: on Ubuntu: apt-get install php5); On windows, you can install PHP using http://www.wampserver.com/.