
Sample project using Vuetable-2 in Laravel 5.4 and Laravel-Mix

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample project using Vuetable-2 with Laravel 5.4 and Laravel Mix

Trying this sample project

  • clone the repo to your local machine
  • cd into the directory
  • install laravel dependency packages using composer install
  • install client-side javascript packages dependency by npm install
  • run the project using php artisan serve or whatever appropriate in your machine setup.

You should see something like this.


Steps to use Vuetable-2 in your Laravel 5.4 project

  • create laravel 5.4 project

      laravel new vuetable-l54
  • go into the project directory and install node packages

      npm install
  • generate authentication files

      php artisan make:auth
  • replace welcome.blade.php to extend from layouts.app

        <div class="container">
  • install additional babel plugins

      npm install babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-preset-stage-2 --save-dev
  • install vuetable-2

      npm install vuetable-2 --save-dev
  • create your Vue component in resources\assets\js\components

  • register the component in resources\assets\js\app.js

      Vue.component('my-vuetable', require('./components/MyVuetable.vue'));
  • compile using Laravel-Mix by running

      npm run watch