A python script to translate Meshtastic MQTT location messages into a plain format that other systems can easily understand. Currently takes position data and submits it to a Traccar instance, also publishes user info packets, battery levels and environmental plugin temperatures and humidity readings to mqtt as raw values.
The latest build of Meshtastic-device has support for publishing decrypted payloads, which you'll need in order to use this script.
There's a few config definitions at the top of meshtastic-mqtt.py that you'll need to change for your MQTT server.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/joshpirihi/meshtastic-mqtt
cd meshtastic-mqtt
Edit the main script and enter your broker and/or traccar host details
nano meshtastic_mqtt/meshtastic_mqtt.py
Install to your systen with pip
pip install .
There are some comments in meshtastic-mqtt.py that detail the tweaks needed to make this run under AppDaemon in Home Assistant.