
Compiles multiple source files into one

Primary LanguageRubyDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Gem Version

Source Press

source_press allows you to combine multiple source files into a single file.

It works on any language as long as .press.yml is configured correctly.


$ gem install source_press

Run with

$ srcpress

How To

  1. cd to the directory containing your source files
  2. Create a .press.yml config file, use srcpress gen-config to generate a template file
  3. Run source_press from the command-line with srcpress
  4. That's it, other options and language-specific settings are described in the template .press.yml file

Configuring Source Press

In order for source_press to work you'll need to provide a few details in a .press.yml file; the only required setting being a list of files or directories to compile.

Generating a template .press.yml

$ srcpress gen-config



Name + extension of compiled file. Can be left as null/blank.


When set to true, overrides output file if it's already in the directory.


Language specific file/library import keywords.

Ruby   - 'require', 'require_relative'
Python - 'import', 'from'
C/C++  - '#include'

Can be left as null/blank


Relative/full path to files in the order in which they should appear in the compiled file.

If the order is unimportant, please include a path to the directory/directories containing the files.

Misc Command-line Options

Using a config file with a different name

$ srcpress config=file_name.yml

Only output errors and warnings

$ srcpress --silent

Verify gem version

$ srcpress -v