This is a serverless application with a react front end. Backend is provisioned and deployed with cdk using python.
- Install aws cli & cdk
- Install backend dependencies
cd backend pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install frontend dependencies
cd frontend npm install
- Run init (bash)
This will deploy the cdk stack to you default account, add the output file to the frontend folder and build and copy the react app to the bucket
chmod +x ./init ./init
- Go to the bucket url (output from cdk deploy) to check out your app!
Alternatively you could do step 4 manually by
- In the backend folder run
cdk deploy
- In the frontend folder run
npm run build
and thenaws s3 cp build s3://$bucketdomain --recursive
($bucketdomain is an output from cdk deploy)
The application has 4 lambdas to manage a dynamo resource, they are protected by a jwt authorizer. All auth uses cognito.
Api gateway type is Http Gateway.
The fronend uses AWS Amplify to handle auth and communication with the backend
Creds to serverless-stack ( from where I stole the frontend