
The third issue of the Programming 101 course which covers Python, Linux and Git. The course starts March 2015 and is part of https://hackbulgaria.com

Primary LanguagePython


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Harry Potter Python

The third issue of the Programming 101 course which covers Python, Linux and Git. The course starts March 2015 and is part of https://hackbulgaria.com

Course Details

  • Starts the first week of March, 2015
  • Problems for application can be found in the Applications folder.

Course Program

We are going to work with a console & text editor a lot. Linux is a mandatory operating system for this course.

  • Introducing basic git usage - how to install, configure and clone stuff.
  • Introducing the editors we are going to work with - Sublime Text & Atom
  • We will start with basic Python tasks, to get familiar with the syntax and basic Python structures
  • Introducing PEP8 formatting & plugins. Getting religious about PEP8.
  • Introducing Linux & the shell - basic commands. We will install and compile a lot of things!
  • Introducing TDD (Test Driven Development) as a way of living & coding. Getting religious about TDD.
  • Solving lots of Python problems with TDD.
  • Introducing OOP concepts in Python & solving more abstract & complex problems with OOP & TDD
  • Introducing Database concepts with Python and sqlite3
  • Introducing teamwork problems & leveling up our git skills - working with branches, merges & pull requests.
  • Solving team problems, using Git, Python's OOP and TDD
  • Introducing to basic security concepts - SQL injections, hash functions & password hashing, bruteforce protection.
  • Introducing Python's SQLAlchemy ORM - working with more complex database problems.
  • Introducing basic web programming concepts - HTTP, HTML * CSS.
  • Introducing the Flask framework for web development - implementing a web application that works with database.
  • Learning how to deploy our web application - http servers & configuration.
  • Intoducing to multithreading and networking with Python.