
Dynamic tracking of human to compute the lateral_deviation and Depth with pose detection Mediapipe and depth estimation OpenCV in the FOV of monocular camera.

Computation of Lateral-Deviation

Marking is made with the help of coordiantes detected by Mediapipe. The intersection of point made by the line drawn from right_shoulder(12), left_hip(23) and left_shoulder(11) and righ_hip(24)

alt text

Computation of depth

Using the focal length formula,


shoulder_width(original) = physical measurement
computed_shoulder_width = Distance computed from the coordinates 11 & 12

Execution of code

clone the repository and move to the human follow directory

$ cd Distance-Computer

Build all the dependencies and source it

$ catkin_make
$ source ./devel/setup.bash

Launch the file

$ roslaunch vel_cal compute-distance.launch

Behind the screen


Actual output

disatance computer


  • Offset of 10 - 20 cm in depth and 0.5 - 1.5 cm in lateral deviation.
  • False calculation when shoulder of the person is not aligned parallel to the camera.

ROS version: Noetic

Tested on: ubuuntu 20.04 LTS