Scripts and test data used in the master's thesis: "A comparison of statistical methods in microbial ecology"
The numbered scripts indicate the main scripts, and their title indicate their role in the project. The scripts without any initial numbering are smaller scripts used for simple tasks during the project. The file with source functions contains the majority of the code written in this project. They are divided into chunks of related functions and all have indicative names, so hopefully it is straigtforward to get a simple overview of the structure of these scripts even though there is a lot of code.
If you were to look at one file and one file only, look at 2_testOfStatisticalMethods.Rmd or 2_testOnCluster.R (more simple version) and if you have time to look at two take a look at sourceFunctions_testOfStatisticalMethods.R as well. Most work are put into these scripts, and writing them took a long time compared to writing the other scripts.