
Animated, live, real-time social-proof Pop-ups for your WordPress website to boost sales and signups.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WP Real-Time Social-Proof ===
Contributors: varun21, ruchikawp
Tags: social proof, live sales, recent sales notification, conversion, ctr, ecommerce, marketing, popup, woocommerce, easy digital downloads, newsletter, optin, signup, sales triggers
Donate link: https://www.converticacommerce.com?item_name=Donation%20for%20WP%20Social%20Proof&cmd=_donations&currency_code=USD&lc=US&business=shivanand@converticacommerce.com
Requires at least: 3.7.4
Tested up to: 4.9.6
Requires PHP: 7.0
Stable tag: 1.8
License: MIT
License URI: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Animated, live, real-time social-proof Pop-ups for your WordPress website to boost sales and signups.

== Description ==
WP Real-Time Social-Proof shows popups of the recent sales and signups on the bottom left corner of your sales page. You can configure the pages on which you want to show the real-time social-proof. Performance oriented, only loads on pages where required. Option to show an alternate action that users take on your site. Best to increase webinar signups, product sales and conversions on landing pages.

All your efforts be it via organic SEO, paid ads or any other form of marketing and promotion, go through a bottleneck. The fact is the cost of paid-ads is shooting up. Visitors are confused with information overload. Ad-blindness is at an all time high. Cost Per Acquision is getting costly.

WP Real Time Social Proof boosts your sales and conversions.


*  Auto-sync with real Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce sales data.
*  Popup styles to match with your store design (coming soon).
*  Options to control display of transactions.

####Extremely Lightweight
####Works out of the box
####Simple to configure
####No third-party service required
####Extremely Lightweight
####Works out of the box
####Simple to configure
####No third-party service required

####Pro Version — It's all about credibility and subtly gaining attention to impress your message
A whole library of
*  Animations
*  Notification Sounds
*  Notification Cards
*  Customization Settings
*  Verified sales badge
*  And lots more in development

== Upgrade Notice ==

This is a major update. Please setup the plugin again to use the new features.

== Installation ==
Upload the plugin to your blog. Activate it. Visit Settings > Social Proof. Configure settings and verify working. Create s support thread in case of any issues.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Ask away.

== Screenshots ==
1. screenshot1.png
2. screenshot2.png
3. screenshot3.png

== Changelog ==

= 1.6 =
Major revamp to the entire plugin. Please install and reconfigure the plugin to use new power-features.
* Multiple notifications
* Exclusion from posts / pages
* More settings
* Several updates and bugfixes

= 1.5 =
Added settings:
* Sound notification
* Popup position
* Several updates and bugfixes

= 1.4 =
Added settings:
* Show social proof across the site or individual pages
* Link the product name to product page for better CTR and conversion

= 1.3 =
Added settings:
* Time for the initial popup to appear
* Time for the subsequent popups to appear
* Last 100 transactions will be pulled installed of the default 10
* Disabled hiding of the popup when mouseover

= 1.2 =
Added integration for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads

= 0.2 =
Initial release
Generated records show name, transaction, location of the person. Times are intelligently generated using prime numbers for maximum CTR. Records are also pulled out of uniquely seed based random algorithm.