
Your little corner of the web; showcasing what you do, say, and think

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Little Corner

Little Corner is an open source drop-in website that is used to pull your entire web presence into one place.

The site is built on CodeIgniter (2.0.2), which is included in the project.

You can see it in action at http://jameschevalier.us

=== Compatible Services

* Apture
* Blog (via RSS)
* Delicious
* Foursquare
* GitHub
* Gravatar
* Google Analytics
* Google Voice
* Instagram
* Last.FM
* Olark
* Twitter
* Wikipedia

=== Configuration

* Copy the site files into the root directory
* Verify that the .htaccess file was copied into the root directory
* Add your own favicon.ico to the root directory
* Add your own "bg.jpg" image to the /resources/images directory (a larger-sized image is best; something like 1920x1200 or so)
* Add your own 'projects' images (150w x 80h) to the /resources/images directory
* In the /application/config/config.php file - You will need to fill out the entire "Custom Site Configuration" section (unless a setting is noted as optional or not-to-be-touched)
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Each of the services that you want to enable will need to be set to 1
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Edit the $config['base_url'] line
* Edit the /application/views/projects.php file accordingly

=== How To Enable Foursquare

* Add your domain name to the 'foursquare_redirect_url' value in the /application/config/config.php file
* Create a new Foursquare app at https://foursquare.com/oauth
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Enable Foursquare by setting the value for 'foursquare_enabled' to 1
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'foursquare_client_id'
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'foursquare_client_secret'
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Comment out the existing "Foursquare Page" function
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Uncomment the two functions below that (marked as "For Initial Auth")
* Go to http://SITEADDRESS/foursquare in your browser & click the link
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'foursquare_access_token' to the Access Token provided after clicking the link
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Uncomment out the main "Foursquare Page" function
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Comment the two functions below that (marked as "For Initial Auth")

=== How To Enable Instagram

* Register for Developer access at http://instagr.am/developer/register/
* Register your application at http://instagr.am/developer/manage/
- Set Application Name to "Little Corner"
- Set Description to "Little Corner is an open source drop-in website that is used to pull your entire web presence into one place."
- Set Website to your website's location
- Set OAuth redirect_uri to "http://YourWebSiteLocation/instagramcallback"
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Enable Instagram by setting the value for 'instagram_enabled' to 1
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_client_name' to "Little Corner"
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_client_id'
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_client_secret'
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_redirect_uri' to the same location you provided Instagram
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_website' to the same website location you provided Instagram
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_description' to the same description you provided Instagram
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Comment out the existing "Instagram Page" function
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Uncomment the two functions below that (marked as "For Initial Auth")
* Go to http://SITEADDRESS/instagram in your browser & click the link
* In the /application/config/config.php file - Set the value for 'instagram_access_token' to the Access Token provided after clicking the link
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Uncomment out the main "Instagram Page" function
* In the /application/controllers/site.php file - Comment the two functions below that (marked as "For Initial Auth")

=== Notes

* Foursquare support provided by FoursquareCodigniter library: https://github.com/dxia/FoursquareCodeigniter
* RSS parsing support provided by RSSParser class: http://codeigniter.com/wiki/RSSParser/revision/5670/
* Twitter support provided by CodeIgniter Twitter API Library: https://github.com/elliothaughin/codeigniter-twitter
* Instagram support provided by CodeIgniter-Instagram-Library: https://github.com/JamesChevalier/CodeIgniter-Instagram-Library
* Your image in the navigation area is provided by Gravatar: http://gravatar.com
* If your site's email address does not have an associated Gravatar, the default image is a robot head provided by RobotHash: http://robohash.org
* Clicked image display is provided by Lightbox2: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/
* cURL support provided by CodeIgniter-cURL: https://github.com/philsturgeon/codeigniter-curl
* Some aspects of this site use Jamie Rumbelow's MY_input.php class to allow ? in CodeIgniter URLs: http://www.jamierumbelow.net