
A phrase guessing game using AngularJS and PhoneGap.

Primary LanguageCSS


A Phrase guessing iOS game. Uses local word lists as well as remote APIs for unique, new word lists that update daily.

The Stack

Phonegap, AngularJS, Bower, SASS, Yeoman


$ npm install -g yeoman generator-angular phonegap cordova ios-sim && gem install bundler
$ phonegap create phrase --name Phrase --id com.stinogle.phrase2
$/phrase npm install
$/phrase npm install
$/phrase bower install
$/phrase bundle install

Run locally

grunt serve

Build and build project (ios example)

grunt build && phonegap build ios

Build and run emulator or connected device

grunt build && phonegap run ios

PhoneGap Plugins/Platforms

Plugins are added when any platform is added via cordova CLI:

cordova platform add ios