
Last known version of the code to WonderBrush (as included in Haiku)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

WonderBrush 2.1.2

WonderBrush is a vector/bitmap graphics application for the Haiku operating system. See http://yellowbites.com/wonderbrush.html for more details. To learn more about Haiku, visit https://haiku-os.org.

This is the last known version of the code for WonderBrush as it is included in Haiku. It was restored from a backup and cleaned up.

A new buildsystem (based on the Jamfile engine) allows to compile WonderBrush from these sources.

If someone wants to port to a new architecture, I am looking forward to pull requests. Consider contributing to https://github.com/stippi/WonderBrush-v3 for new features and other improvements, as this version 2 is now in maintenance mode.


The development versions these librareis are needed:

  • libexpat
  • liblayout
  • libfreetype

Install the dependencies via:

pkgman install freetype_devel liblayout_devel expat_devel

Of course you also need gcc and jam, but these come included with Haiku.

Build via:

TARGET_PLATFORM=haiku64 jam -j<number of your CPU cores>


TARGET_PLATFORM=haiku jam -j<number of your CPU cores>

depending on your Haiku system.