Stipula Prototype

Stipula is a domain specific language that may assist legal practitioners in programming legal contracts through specific patterns. In this repository, we uploaded the prototype and some examples.


The prototype is a Java application. The development has taken three months and ~3000 lines of Java code. We have committed to the ANTLR tool.

Getting Started


  • The prototype requires a Java version > 8.


There are two possibilities:

  • It is possible to install the source code (folder Stipula-LAN) with the Grammar and the parser
  • It is possible to download and run the jar of the prototype

How to install the source code

  • Java > 8
  • ANTLR > 4.4
  • Download the zip
  • Import the grammar file (Stipula.g4) in the IDE
  • Compile with ANTLR and generate the Parser, Visitor, Listener
  • Import the rest of the project (package src)

How to run the jar

  • After downloading the zip, go to the correct folder (./Stipula Executable)
  • To run the prototype type the following code
java -jar stipula_lan.jar name_of_the_example.stipula


  • When the prototype starts, it displays the type inference
  • Then the agreement starts and displays a unique code for each party of the contract (see example below)
Lender ef6h4
Borrower MHWBs
Authority gxhZZ
  • The prototype asks the user to insert these codes and the values for some variables
  • Then it shows which functions can start, for instance:
# Please, choose which function should run: 
	Lender.offer(Type3 x)[]
  • The user must call the desired function by inserting the corresponding party's code and the values for the formal parameters
  • For instance, if the lender wants to call the function offer with x=10:
  • Then the prototype executes the body of the chosen function and the execution continues