Alfred: Toggle Fn Function Keys On/Off in OSX Catalina+

Simple Alfred Script to toggles Function Keys in OSX Catalina using Apple Script


Alfred 4.


Download Toggle Function Keys.alfredworkflow. Open file and import into Alred.

Bind keys to whatever you need. Default control + escape

Legacy Support

Each update of OSX typically breaks the shortcut as the checkbox positioning changes.

Previous versions of the workflow will are kept to allow those on older operating systems to continue to use it.

The filename includes the OS version it works for ( e.g. toggle-functions-keys-big-sur.workflow )



Did you just figure out that your $6k Mac Pro ships with a silver and black Magic Keyboard that somehow doesn't have a function key to enable you toggle between OS functions and number function keys.

Bind this to whatever you want a you are sorted.


If prompted ensure you have allowed the script the correct permissions under System Preferences > Privacy & Security > Accessiblity.