/~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-. Version: 18.01.18 ) O-Saft - OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool ( ) /~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-/ ( ) DESCRIPTION ( This tools lists information about remote target's SSL certificate ) and tests the remote target according given list of ciphers. ( ) UNIQUE FEATURES ( =============== ) ### * working in closed environments, i.e. without internet connection ( ### * checking availability of ciphers independent of installed library ) ### * checking for all possible ciphers (up to 65535 per SSL protocol) ( ### * needs just perl without modules for checking ciphers and protocols ) ### * mainly same results on all platforms ( ) WHY? ( Why a new tool for checking SSL when there already exist a dozens or ) more good tools in 2012? Some (but not all) reasons are: ( * lack of tests of unusual ciphers ) * different results returned for the same check on same target ( * missing functionality (checks) according modern SSL/TLS ) * lack of tests of unusual (SSL, certificate) configurations ( * (mainly) missing feasability to add own tests ) ( For more details, please use ) o-saft.pl --help ( or read the source ;-) ) ( TARGET AUDIENCE ) * penetration testers ( * administrators ) ( INSTALLATION ) o-saft.pl requires following Perl modules: ( Net::SSLeay (prefered >= 1.51) ) IO::Socket::SSL (prefered >= 1.37) ( IO::Socket::INET (prefered >= 1.31) ) Net::DNS (prefered >= 0.65, for --mx option only) ( ) O-Saft can be executed from within the unpacked or cloned directory, ( installation is not necessary. However, a INSTALL.sh script will be ) provided, which can be called as follows: ( INSTALL.sh ) INSTALL.sh --clean ( INSTALL.sh --check ) INSTALL.sh --n /path/to/install --force ( INSTALL.sh /path/to/install --force ) ( There're no dependencies to other perl modules for checkAllCiphers.pl ) so the test of all ciphers (aka +cipherall) will work with it. ( The modules Net::SSLinfo, Net::SSLhello are part of O-Saft and should ) be installed in ./Net . ( ) ( Following files are optional: ) .o-saft.pl (private user configuration) ( o-saft-dbx.pm (for debugging, tracing) ) o-saft-usr.pm (private functions, some kind of API) ( o-saft-man.pm (documentation and generation functions) ) o-saft.pod (documentation in POD format) ( checkAllCiphers.pl (simple script for +cipherall option) ) .o-saft.tcl (private user configuration for GUI) ( o-saft-img.tcl (images for buttons in GUI) ) contrib/* (additional programs and tools) ( ) QUICK START ( o-saft.pl --help ) o-saft.pl +check your.tld ( o-saft.pl +info your.tld ) o-saft.pl +quick your.tld ( o-saft.pl +cipher your.tld ) o-saft.pl +cipherall your.tld ( o-saft.pl --help=commands ) ( o-saft.tcl (simple GUI; requires Tcl/Tk 8.5 or newer) ) ( o-saft-docker (simple wrapper to call o-saft.pl in docker image) ) ( Project home is https://www.owasp.org/index.php/O-Saft ) Project roadmap https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Projects/O-Saft/Roadmap ( ) Historic Project home https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Projects/O-Saft ( ) Get a Copy ( git clone git@github.com:OWASP/O-Saft.git ) git clone https://github.com/OWASP/O-Saft.git ( wget https://github.com/OWASP/O-Saft/raw/master/o-saft.tgz ) ( Get Docker Image ) docker pull owasp/o-saft ( ) VERSION ( The version of the tarball o-saft.tgz represents the version listed ) on top herein. All other files in the repository may be ahead of this ( (tarball) version. ) ( SHA256 checksum of o-saft.tgz ) a4d85953bdd1e08d20c6f31e9be7ea0af6ae8de3544bbfe823bd1e34ace26e7d ( ) SHA256 checksum of owasp/o-saft:latest and owasp/o-saft:18.11.18 ( bc7051a076720fbf30e7dff5518f4813c890ce68dd90ace6f77caa0c850a98d0 ) ( \_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-~-_-/